View Full Version : Banks Stinger Installed.

04-12-2003, 17:41
I got my ottomind hooked up today and all i can say is Rain Rain Rain! i guess it always rains when one adds power to the truck! its pouring here and every time i go to test this sucker out my back tires start spinning. its definately faster, but i have nothing to compare it to either (besdies the stock truck).. a fellow DP member should be bringing me a juice box later so i can see how much different it is.. i wonder if you can stack them?? :eek: :eek: :eek:

[ 04-12-2003: Message edited by: ndamico ]</p>

04-12-2003, 20:06
So how do you like it in general? do you think it is worth the money? I have mine ordered, but I have to wait a couple more weeks. Does it have a noticable amount of extra power?
How was the install? Were the instructions good?

04-14-2003, 08:52
Hey ndamico! Some of us are anxiously waiting for your opinion of the Banks product.

Fill us in, we can't wait!

04-14-2003, 15:01

well i've been driving with it for a few days now and so far no problems. i don't have anything to compare it to but it is faster. as soon as i can bum a juice box off someone i'll have a much better opinion. my egt's haven't been to high (900 was the max i hit doing a 0-70 run in 70* weather). boost max is about 28-29.

one thing banks does different is mount the computer under the steering wheel below dash. at least it won't get subjected to the elements that way.

someone send me a juice box so i can see how this compares!!!
