View Full Version : I'm ashamed

06-26-2002, 23:20
The other day I was goofing around with my Dmax and had the very bad idea to go on the beach with it. I have a tendency to try to reach the limits of my stuff. This truck could pull a whale out of the waters but it is not a very good off road vehicle especialy with the stock tires as this photo would tend to prove:


Needless to say that I wasn't going anywhere. A gentle soul with a pickup offered to dig me out and I accepted with scepticicism as you can see here:


After swinging from 15 foot of slack we figured that even if he would take a 25 foot swing, his rear bumper was going to fall off since I didn't move an inch.

I decided to call the real stuff, something in the same category as the dmax as you can see here:


The irony of the situation was that he just digged my grand father in his grave and he had to dig me out of my grave an hour later... Go figure...

Have a nice day.

I just regained the use of my scanner so expect to see alot of photos and movies in the near future...

06-27-2002, 06:37
All the power in the world isn't gonna do you any good with no traction. Don't sweat it. At least your man enough to admit it. And even more manly to take pictures of it.

06-27-2002, 10:03
I was driving a new car I bought the week before on the beach in Mexico along with everyone else, and stopped to enjoy a few cold ones. I couldn't fugure out why everyone else had left, until I noticed water rising under the car. The tide was coming in :eek: Needless to say it was a bad experience, but with a few laughing Mexicans who did not push as hard as I did, I got it out. The exhaust was blowing bubbles. No way did I have the presence of mind to take pictures. All's well that ends well.