View Full Version : Predator vs Tire size

07-22-2003, 18:37
Just a little note for those ruuning the predator for tire size (speedo calibration). The Predator calculates tire size based on a math formula which means if the tire manufacturers are building tires based on a standard this is fine but in my case I bought Dunlop Rover AT 285/75R-16s, Predator calculates this (and their website shows)as a 32.6 inch tire (actual measurement 31") which in road tests means a serious error in the speedo. When I changed the Predator setting based on actual measurements (270/75R-16) it came out perfect. Don't get me wrong James was very helpful and as shocked a I was at the final results. The bad guy here is the tire manufacturers are not building tires based on the standard tire sizes.