View Full Version : Air boxes on the 2002...

06-24-2002, 19:41
I have been reading "swiss cheese airbox" or "drilled airbox" on several different signatures.

Well I installed my new air filter yesterday. Imagine my surprise when I saw that a whole side of the box was missing.

It had a a top, a bottom, front, back (facing firewal), side (facing motor) but the side that would face the body was non-existant.

Is this new for 2002 or are you guys drilling these even more?

I couldn't see a need since the opening has to be 6" x 6".

My only concern would be that it doesnt have a direct shot to outside air.

Also, I have been hearing about replacing the air intake out of the airbox being a concern with the egr... I believe than my valve is mounted to the airbox.

06-24-2002, 19:56

"DRILL" Like your looking for OIL .........
I would in the front and bottom ........ Bottom for a drain, front for some "COOLER" air flow ...... Below filter all though .......Of course ........


06-24-2002, 20:28
Swiss cheese goes good with wine...so why not with diesels. :D Just drilled mine...black gold...texas tea. The more direct air the better!

06-24-2002, 21:02
I took out most of the cross grids and then drilled a small hole in each row just to drain any water that got in.

I removed a triangular section of the box below filter level as Mackin describes just for some additional frontal air.

I've kind of toyed with the redesign idea for the box, but haven't acted. IMHO, the OEM lid/filter style needs to remain the same for MAF sensor calibration, but anything before that could likely be modified. My main goal would be plenty of fresh, outside air vs the hot underhood air.

06-24-2002, 21:34

As you pointed out, the '02 airbox is completely open on one side and IMHO, really doesn't need any more holes in it. If anything, you could drill a few drain holes in the bottom, just in case it rains here in SD.(haha)

I've been considering opening up the hole in the fender to match the airbox size and making up an aluminum baffle to seal off that corner to allow only cool air from the grill/fender area to come in. I think that might be a worthwhile effort to bring in cooler air and keep air density up a little.

Regards, Steve

06-24-2002, 22:41
Anybody had this happen????

The first time I checked my air filter befor a trip, I found a piece off insulation or sound deadner about 6"x8" in the airbox under the filter. The dealer tech. couldn`t tell where it came from and said it must have been slung up under the truck from the hiway and been pulled into the filter box. I knew that was BS, so my son and I got to checking and found out it had been stuck on the fender wall directly opposite the open end of the airbox, came loose and was pulled into the airbox. Still don`t know the purpose off it ,but looked at another `02 and it had it also. Anybody got any ideas??

06-25-2002, 01:15
My question is, is there a problem with or a reason not to remove this cheap a$$ patch job from the '01 airbox? I mean after all it was the only source of intake in the '01 model. My tape has come off once and I have discovered them off on a couple of guys at work who weren't aware of the air box change. I drilled my box as described on here months back and I swear it made an immediate difference. Maybe in my head, but even if it is I know the delightfully more pronounced whine of the turbo is not!

06-25-2002, 07:01

That piece of insulated aluminum tape is part of the revision from 01-02 style box. It was in fact on the fender to cover up the hole from the old design. Apparently they either aren't being stuck on correctly or the heat is loosening them or both.

I get the feeling the thinking on the new design was the air is cooler against the fender just below the hood gap. The gap also allows outside air, as well as water to enter the box. I wonder what happens on a hard pull during a heavy downpour????? Lot's of suction and water = ?????

I like the 01 setup with swiss cheesed bottom better than the new design.

06-25-2002, 08:09
I did about the same as Kennedy and Makin did .
Removed the front bottom third of air box , adds about a third more area of opening and cooler air from front. Also drilled a hole in every square in bottom grid.I just drove 150 miles in rain some
very heavy and milage was the same and never missed a beat. A little water mist that would come
in would not hurt nothing any way . Would get no more than high humidity provides.. smile.gif

Greg Watkins
06-25-2002, 13:40
After reading the discussions here, I pulled the foil off my 02 DMAX. I see absolutely no reason for it AND it apparently can come loose and be pulled into the air intake. I didn't really notice a difference in performance either way. I have had mine off for about 2 months now with no issues.


06-25-2002, 15:04
So my question is should I leave my 01 air box on or replace it with the new design in the shop now waiting for the new air box to get here ut can still stop them

06-25-2002, 20:19
deadlyman ,

The changes made from 01 o 02 are not that significant. Mostly had to do with water intake,at the hood fender seam if i remember correctly. They addressed it with TAPE,(added or dileted a snorkel?) of all things for deflection ....... Either box you choose. Drill it ...... In the bottom,water drain, you'll get water in just by washing your truck ...... The front BELOW air cleaner will allow greater CFM intake, and I'll suggest a AMSOIL TS-123 air cleaner ........ Just so you know with my airbox mods as described, not only will you see me flying in low, you'll hear me coming with a distinct turbo whistle, nice ...... This modification has been on my truck for 10k miles with NO down side ....... Stick with the 01 , IMHO .........


[ 06-25-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

06-25-2002, 20:50
OK ya'll I give up. Normaly I'm pretty good w/ acronyms, but what in the dickens is IMHO short for?? I'm new to this IM speak. Like my T-Shirt sez "Huked on fonix wurx fur me" ???


06-25-2002, 21:06
"In My Humble Opinion"

06-25-2002, 21:15
Hi Tex,

I think it stands for "In My Humble Opinion," IMHO. LOL,LOL. ;)

06-25-2002, 21:40
Maverick & Geerrhead,

Thanks for the info, gotta go cut the cheese in my airbox, LOL :D :D :D


06-25-2002, 22:14
Txguppy mentioned his soon to be "underseat storage box" in the lists on his made from excess Chevy parts GMC, but didn`t give credit to his ol Dad for getting it. Got mine today installed it , loaded it up with stuff, and gonna hitch up my 5er Thurs. and hit the road for 2 months. All y`all have a pleasent summer, whats left of it.


06-26-2002, 16:14
I found the foam gasket you described inside my 2001 airbox too. No idea what purpose it served but I complained to my dealer that the airbox was no longer stock and unintended junk (dirt) would get in there. They couldn't get the new gasket, probably can't get it anymore, so they put an updated (2002)airbox in for me. Apparently there is a TSB on it.

06-26-2002, 17:22
Thanks for the info Mackin but they already put it in and reprogramed the ecm for the new box.
The difference in the boxes are no snorkle big hole in the side where the snorkle was and tape over the holes in the fender.The new programing has seemed to raise my idle up?