View Full Version : Juice ruined my day at work....

06-20-2002, 18:25
JK, I got a call from my wife at work today telling me "something called a Edge Juice Module" had been delivered to our home. That call came with three hours left on my work schedule and they proved to be the longest three hours I've spent in many a year!! The twenty minute drive home from work seemed even longer. Arrived home, food was on the table, could deal with that, figured I read the directions while I wolfed down a couple of burgers....directions ran out well before the burgers...Juice installed and tested on maiden run with wife as company...haven't heard her say words like than in a good many years, I'm very pleased, she's kind of pale. Even offered to let her drive it but she declined, go figure? JK, do appreciate your handling this purchase...highly recommend his company to anyone needing his services.

Mackin...just want everyone to know that you've not been telling the whole story, your version is much too conservative to express the difference adding the Juice brings to a D'max. :cool: :cool: :cool:

06-20-2002, 18:39
You actually STAYED those last 3 hrs??? You've got a lot more discipline than anyone I know! ;) Was your wife making you blush??

That throttle is pretty touchy, isn't it? Kinda feels like the truck only weighs 3,000lbs now...

When I first installed the low power prototype, I gave it half throttle around a gentle corner and the rear end broke loose and almost swapped ends on me! I drove it a lot more gingerly after that. ;) I'm just trying to imagine what it feels like to go from stock to the production 90hp version Yikes!!!

Enjoy, and make friends out of the tire store mgr!! I'm sure your wife is not gonna fall for that old,"But honey, these big trucks only get 10K miles out of a set of tires normally!" story. Good luck.

Regards, Steve

06-20-2002, 18:45
I don't know if I can take this cr@p any more... is there a conspiracy amongst y'all.

I have been trying to be a good little boy and wait until the Edge box works perfect with the Ca. emissions trucks... it has been tough listening to all the testimonials about smoking vettes, out running police helicopters, blowing by Big Daddy Don Garletts and making church going women cuss like sailors.

Now here comes this guy JEBar, like he thinks we believe that it is his real name or something, that just juiced up the exact same truck as mine including color.

Coincidence? I think not! I am on to you people and your evil plan! :D


[ 06-20-2002: Message edited by: SoCalDieselNewbie ]</p>

06-20-2002, 19:23
SoCalDMAX ... Hope they get one that will be OK in your state soon ... really hard for me to accurately tell just what a difference adding the Juice to an already strong running truck has made ... I would have very honestly been very content with much less, nice to deal with a product about which so much is promised and which even exceeds its billing

SoCalDieselNewbie ... not the exact same truck, mine isn't blessed with all the extra Cal. emission options yours came with ... to be perfectly honest, haven't out run any vets, left police helicopters, or lined up with Big Daddy yet ===&gt; as to the language from a church woman, have to plead guilty to that one!!

Will be making a 600+ mile trip to the mountains and back this weekend, should be an interesting test. As already stated, only disappointment so far, the way Mackin has tried to keep just how strong the Juice is hidden from everyone??? :eek: :eek: :eek:

06-20-2002, 19:57
Congrats on the Juice, JEBar!

Welcome to the somewhat demented legion of juiced DMAXers ;) . As you can now attest, whatta difference a little black box makes! Honestly, this juiced truck would blow the doors off an old '79 GMC project truck I had with a 400+ horse LS6 454...shame I don't have that truck anymore; I'd love to run them just fer grins :cool: (and I thought that GMC was a porker at 4000lbs!)

I'm beginning to see the logic (and the awesome potential) of a relatively lightweight 2wd regular cab D/A w/da juice..hmmmm...better put away a few more pennies! :D

DMAX Daddy
06-20-2002, 20:05
Well Im in the same boat as SOCAL Diesel Newb, except Im still waiting for my truck too. :(

Im going to try to have the tonneau/step rails/gauges here when it arrives to do that, the follow shortly with the Air Cleaner/Exhaust (still waiting to see truck before I can figure out the extent of the exhaust work) , and once all that is done, it will be time....

I was going to space all my purchases out to keep the wife happy, but I think Ill order msot of it at once and take the arse whippin!

[ 06-21-2002: Message edited by: DMAX Daddy ]</p>

06-20-2002, 20:59
Well, sounds like you guys are in the dark- the 2002 CA emissions trucks ARE compatible with the Juice- at least version 3.2C and above.

I'm running one daily.


06-20-2002, 22:11

LMAO!! So you caught on to the conspiracy...I don't think "newbie" should be anywhere in your handle!


Have a good trip. Might I suggest a Valentine 1 radar locator to go with that Juice, just so you don't end up like MAC - 1 step away from the pokey! :D

That reminds me of the night I got the Power Plug installed and took it for a romp about midnite. Turned the corner on my block, nailed it and was doing close to 60mph in less than 1/2 a block when I spotted a Sheriff's car prowling up a side street on my right.

I nailed the brakes and lit his whole front end up in red light. He pulled me over and the only defense I had was "I'm checking out my new gauges, didn't know how fast I was going!" He didn't buy it but did let me go with a verbal warning after 15min of sweating me out. ;)

Don't count on talkin' your way out of any tickets... and if the wife witnesses the whole thing, the disapproving looks are worse than the fine ;)


Are you getting any smoke when you stab the throttle from idle? I'd heard that the SES/EGR problem had been fixed as of 3.2C, but Aaron's getting together with desert diesel to figure out how to get the smoke output down a little. Minor detail compared to the power gains, really.

Regards, Steve

Desert Diesel
06-21-2002, 08:43

tpitt is getting together with Aaron at Edge. My truck is over at TTS.



06-21-2002, 09:43
Yeah, it smokes with a full throttle application.

No SES codes or fishbite or limping the tranny, though.

Runs like a raped rhino.

I say go for it.


06-21-2002, 10:36
You won't believe this!

Kept up with a Porsche Boxter the other day. Not a real race though. Romped it from 20 to 50 or so but nonetheless, we stayed together. I'm sure he would of left me over 70. Think their geared for top end although Porshe boasts 0 - 60 in 6.0 sec. Not too bad in my opinion considering this is a car that could almost fit in the bed of one of our trucks. :D

As for the smoke, I got on it the other night & could hardly see the headlights of the car behind me. redface.gif Oh well, at least I got out of their way.

I have Version 2.0


06-21-2002, 12:15
I love reading about the EDGE box and its performance boost for our trucks. Unfortunately, I will be unable to purchase one, as I am afflicted with Mackin’s Syndrome. When I have a Mackin attack there is an uncontrollable seizure of the right leg which forces my right foot to thru the floor. In addition my wife seems to always yell when I have an attack. Just don’t know if I could keep my sanity if I was juiced. You guys enjoy yours while I sit back and admire. :D

06-21-2002, 14:03
Have put over 100 miles on my truck since installing Juice(3.5C) yesterday afternoon (amazing just how many things I have found I needed to go and check on), have made numerous full throttle starts and have checked out passing characteristics from a wide range of speeds ... have yet to see any smoke from the driver's seat but have been told by trailing vehicle that she puts out a pretty good puff when I put my foot down, no sign of any fish bite or any problems whatsoever ... do have one question, Juice module seems to get really hot, is that normal? :cool:

[ 06-21-2002: Message edited by: JEBar ]</p>

06-22-2002, 00:56
I was standing just behind Terry (tpitt) in a parking lot, when he did a couple of full throttle starts. I think he tried both the # 2 & 3 settings. His truck is a 2002 GMC with CALIFORNIA EMISSIONS. I can assure you that his truck did smoke using version 3.5. We did not have time to try the module on my truck which is a early (Dec 2000) 2001 Chevy with CA emissions. I spoke with Arron at edge and he assured me that version 3.5 would not smoke on my truck.

Hopefully Terry's trip to Utah next week will give Arron a chance to find a solution for the smoke problem on the 2002 CA trucks.


06-22-2002, 05:15
Doesn't yours, mine, our, trucks omit smoke in stock configuration with no mods??????
Mine did, I could easily see a smoke trail in the headlights under a good acceleration ....... Now with the JUICE, basically the same, maybe a little bit more .......


You guys in sunny CALIF. ought to get a petition together and suggest that it's controlling the FLEA population .......... Or tell the EPA, rat on your neighbor, liberal, tree hugging, over policed, over paid bureaucy,enviro cops to call me ..... That should be looking at the RAP, BS, thats worse for the living ENVIRONMENT, ruining a generation, then a little PUFF of smoke ..... Go to the malls, then make a judgment call, what would you rather see, a little PUFF of smoke, or a bunch of MINI PUFF DADDIES, our future leaders ........ I'll make my kid wear suspenders if ever .......... Now there is a political opinion and agenda .........

MAC ;)

[ 06-22-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

06-22-2002, 20:42
I never told the wife I got the Juice. Dang kids did not keep there mouths shut though. Daughter says to mom, Dad got something in the mail today, he then put it under the hood of his truck. Wife looked but could not find it in the truck. She did find the box it came in out it the trash. She could not understand why I needed it. However I have yet to let her drive the truck with the juice in it.

Mine has been in the truck a week now. Level 4 always. It sure is a blast to drive now. I find I'm getting the same mpg but I'm accelerating faster cause it's so much fun. I love to pass on country roads now. I have yet to see smoke in the mirror. I have the 3.2 version. I do also have fishbite. It only really noticable at a steady speed between 50 and 60.

I hope to tow my RV with it next weekend. It will be a good test, Saluida grade wich is 6 and 7 percent. It will be across I-40 and the smokies and I-26 into SC. With out the juice Saluida drops the truck to 58mph and 3rd gear. Now to see how the juice in level 2 helps. Towing is why I got the juice, empty in level 4 is just a side benifit.

Truck sure seems like a dog before it gets up to temp now. How did I ever live with out the Juice?

Now for that silly goverenor on the top speed.

06-24-2002, 13:04

What torment! That's exactly why I requested delivery to my work address. Installed and tested during my lunch hour!

06-24-2002, 15:14

How bout taking a little detour and see how she pulls Black Mountain. That's a hill I can relate to. Used to maintain 55 with my Dodge V10 with my fiver behind. Might get a chance to try my Dmax with the same fiver this fall.


Roger Williams
06-24-2002, 15:41
Put in the Juice last week on my 2002 CC 2500. Towed my 13K 5er just fine over the Cascade Mountains out west here. You should have seen the looks i got when going up the 7% grades at 60mph in the left lane passing empty pick-ups and cars with the 5er in tow. Juice is the real thing. This truck absolutely rocks now. Thanks JK.

06-24-2002, 21:16
Thank you all for your continued condolences... took her for a 650+ mile drive during the last 3 days ... bigbobed, pulled Black Mountain with cruise set at 69mph in overdrive, never down shifted ... 16.4 mpg for trip estimated 40% hard mountain driving and 60% foothills/piedmont interstate at 70-75 mph, in short a trip during which we ran her heard and made no attempt to conserve fuel ... Dave, strongly suspect that you will find Saluida much more managable ... really pleased with Juice + Duramax :cool:

06-24-2002, 22:13
Put my edge in Fri night and cannot believe the response. As someone said, its a 3000 lb truck with way too much, but boy is it fun. I have my tow/haul set to 4 and my regular drive set to 2. At 65 in tow haul manual throttle, I deselected t/h and speed dropped to below 60. It was not that there wasn't enough power to hold 65, it just has more power at the same throtle setting by a wide margin. Can't wait to pull my trailer up the side of Mt Hood (really US26 to Bend, Or). I have no reason to add any more goodies now that I have the king of the hill.

2002 GMC 2500 SLT dmAX with Allison
ext cab, long bed