View Full Version : Amsoil Air Filter UH OH !!!!

6600 Duramax
06-20-2002, 12:02
Was out doing a little routine maintinance, looked at the top of the air filter and all looked well. There was a little oil around the top part of the lid but nothing excessive. Then when I pulled the filter out of the box.... UH OH the bottom of the box had oil everywhere. I mean everywhere, it was litterally standing in the little sections.

I know what wveryone is going to say.... You put to much oil on the filter. But When I installed the filter I could have swore it was almost to dry and needed oil.

Anyway, does anyone know how to tell if the MAF is dirty? Will it set a code? Also is this hurting my performance any. The MAF (little sensor on top the lid correct?) look clean and free from oil, just no way to really tell.


06-20-2002, 12:30
Well, personally, I think people are a little unnecessarily paranoid about this.

No offense intended, but I simply wouldnt worry about it. Once the oil in the box accumulates dirt, Id wash the box as well. I just put them in as they come, right out of the box. No blotting, no fussing. If there is excess oil, it will drain downwards first.

The MAF will likely NOT be damaged by oil, rather, it may be skewed by the presence of oil, and should easily be restored with a quick shot of electrical parts cleaner, or alcohol.

6600 Duramax
06-20-2002, 13:37
Thanks Kennedy

I agree totally with you about being paranoid about little ****, cause I am definatly guilty!

Anyway the truck still runs good, just wanted to get it out there. Thanks for the info on cleaning it.