View Full Version : Down Pipe to Turbo

03-22-2004, 17:59

This is not for a 6.5, but I need the same style connector that the GM 6.5 uses to connect the turbo to the down pipe but for 2.5" pipe where would I look for such a flair?

Could a exhaust shop make it?


Dvldog 8793
03-22-2004, 18:36
I have made them for other applications. I use Stainless steel and just cut a ring the proper size and then weld it to the pipe. The tricky part is keeping it flat during this whole process. I have tried to form them but always ended up work-hardening and then cracking. The only other place you might check would be a pipe fitting shop. NOT plumber, I'm talking a good Stainless fitter shop. They use similar ( :confused: ) flange fittings in food service piping.
Good luck!
If you cant find someone to make one for you I probably could, it might be a week or so before I could get to it.

patrick m.
03-22-2004, 18:51
a muffler shop with the usuall pipe "press" should be able to bend, flare, swell, to any shape.
ours will put a flare in the pipe for "doughnut" gaskets, v-band, flat flange, etc.

take the wategate housing with you to a muffler shop, so they can "see" what you want.

03-23-2004, 08:59
www.turbomustangs.com (http://www.turbomustangs.com) look for a link to pro turbo kits in San Antonio, they sell all of the flanges for v-band exhaust.