View Full Version : IT'S ON ORDER!!!

06-17-2002, 19:01
Yesterday, being Fathers Day as well as my birthday, my wife decided to get me a real special gift. She gave me the money to get JUICED! I spoke to JK a little while ago and placed the order. Should have it by the end of the week. Can't wait!

Yeah, I know she's great. How lucky can a guy get?

Thanks for letting me spout off.
smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

06-17-2002, 19:16
most be real nice :D I would be happy with the truck :( one of these days ;)

06-17-2002, 19:27
All I can say is you guys must have great wives! All I got on Father's day was hooked into delivering the in-law's wedding spoils over half way across the state :( on my fuel of course :rolleyes: Guess that is what I get for having enclosed trailers...

Then to top it off, they left 10 minutes ahead of us (with their Chevy Prism) and we STILL beat them by 15 minutes! In fairness they stopped at Subway, but that was just an in/out and eat on the road.

I've seen guys getting Juice, exhaust, gauges, intercoolers, mirrors, and all kind of neat stuff for Father's day...

[ 06-17-2002: Message edited by: kennedy ]</p>

06-17-2002, 19:38

I don't want my wife to know what I got ,when I got it ,or what I want for my truck...... Cause if she new what I "PAID"or "PAY" for all this stuff,for that BLACK beast I call ,must have basic transportation :eek: ....... Well, mister, I'll tell you what, it wouldn't be pretty ....... So I grinned when I got the Happy Fathers Day smooch,that was plenty ,if you know what I mean .......


06-17-2002, 20:00
MAN, AC- what a deal!
Tell her I'm a nice guy too' will ya?!
Here's what happens when I buy a NEW BOLT or a FUSE for my truck---
:mad: :mad: :mad:


06-17-2002, 20:19

I take it you'd rather I didn't leave a message with the wife stating your mirrors are shipped :D ???

06-17-2002, 20:35
NICE GOIN, John-- I'm caught now! :eek:


06-18-2002, 03:17

What an awesome wife! Happy Father's Day! You're really gonna love it, hang onto your hat! :D :D


I'm sure your wife would get you something like that for Father's Day, except that you ALREADY have everything, what could she possibly get for you?? ;)


If she does find out and you get tossed, come vacation in Sandy Eggo. I could put up with ya (I mean put ya up) for a while. Only one rule. No burnouts within 2 blocks of the house. Plenty of rIceb0ys to pick on around here... ;) ;)

Regards, Steve