View Full Version : New Truck to Arrive in August

06-23-2004, 18:40
I went to the dealer today to see about changing my order from 6 speed to allison(to speed up the delivery), and low and behold I could not :confused: . There is now a TPW and a delivery date for my truck. :D

TPW == 07/19/2004

estimated delivery date == 08/16/2004

It looks like I will be one of the first ones to recieve a 2005 truck smile.gif . Finally there is some progression and news about my truck. ;) It has been a long time since orginal order date of 01/30/2004. :mad:

Jesus Freak
06-25-2004, 13:36
Congrats! Nothing like a new truck... Hurry-up and wait... You'll be glad you did... :D

06-27-2004, 05:28
Nice to hear the date has been set. Maybe my replacement truck will also come in Aug. That would make for a nice birthday.
