View Full Version : duramaximizer

02-17-2005, 11:26
Anyone had any experience using a duramaximizer? Any suggestion on using one? or would I be better off using a van aaken power box maybe edge juice? I have a 2002 cc 2wd with 32000 miles on it.I will be towing a 69 chevelle every once in a while but mostly no load.I have already purchased an afe stage 2 intake and plan on usind an mbrp exhaust.Anyone have experience with this exhaust?Thanks for any help you can provide as this is my first diesel truck.

02-17-2005, 11:42
The Duramaximizer is a pretty simple, yet complicated (install) box. It simply alters fuel rail psi with reference to pedal position and boost. Accessing the fuel rail psi sensor is a major pain. Many will leave their Duramaximizers installed when they sell their trucks rather than mess with removing them.

A module like the Juice or VA does a whole lot more and is much easier to install and remove. They alter the fuel delivery pulse width which allows them to reshape the power curve leaning more towards the low end TQ...

02-17-2005, 11:56
thanks for the input.