View Full Version : Loud Taping

05-24-2004, 13:08
I haven't been on the web site for a while. Seems like I always get on here when I have a question. This is where the Dmax experts hang out so this is the best place to ask.
This weekend I towed our trailer (8500 lbs) up to our property in the mountains. Went from 5200' to 9500' in about 100 miles. Most of the pull was at about 55 to 65 mph. After I reached my destination, I noticed that I had a loud ticking. Anyone have any similar experiences???
Oh, By the way, it is a 2002 dmax/ally and is completely stock.
Denver Dale

05-24-2004, 13:53
Does the ticking sound rytmic, or is it random?

Rythmic would be in time with the engine and constant. If so, could be any of a number of things. For starters, check the serpentine belt, idler, tensioner and accessories. Could also be exhaust related. There are some other more serious possibilities, but don't go there yet if there are no codes, leaks or gage indications.

Random would be like an old mechanical typewriter and doesn't seem to be in time with anything, and comes and goes. May sound like a hot, hard run engine after it is shut off. If this is it, don't worry. According to GM, it is normal and causes no adverse effects.

Good luck and let us know what you find.

05-25-2004, 06:32
The ticking is rythmic. There are no leaks, the belt seems fine, and as far as I know, there are no codes set. Sounds like possibly the oil pump as the oil get hot and perhaps thins down. Last oil change was at the dealers and they use the GM oil. Only happens after a long hard pull. Maybe I just need to pull that trailer around more and stay home less (ha).


06-03-2004, 15:39
Last summer I had the adjuster loosen on one of my lifters. Sounded like a bad lifter. The dealer fixed it after the usual b.s.

06-10-2004, 12:53
Could be an injector going bad?I had the same problem with a bad injector over fueling after the engine was hot.