View Full Version : Non-Stealer Diesel Shop with a Tech2, Towing and -1.94?

12-12-2003, 11:12
I just found a non stealership Diesel Shop with a Tech 2 here in Terre Haute, called Schied Diesel. They are more than willing to set my timing at -1.94. My qestion is that I do a fair amount of towing, should I back off the offset to maybe -1.5 to be safe?

Is there anything I can watch to make sure he is doing it correctly? Can all of the offset be learned and adjusted by the advance servo or does he have to rotate the pump also?

12-12-2003, 12:48
I know of that shop and have heard good things about their work especially on cummins and powerstrokers. I personaly have not used them,but would if they were a bit closer.
I think that a -1.70 is as far as I would go on timing. That is where Bill Heath says all the add on goodies play toegether the best. He has not led me wrong that I can tell.

12-13-2003, 05:36
I agree, Bill knows what he is talking about, I will stay at -1.7, thanks.

Barry Nave
12-13-2003, 05:41
-1.75 has worked great on my 95 for the last 3yrs. It's a heavy work truck and tows alot.
Good power with a real diesel sound