View Full Version : Fuel Filter Change- Diesel Bath!

07-18-2003, 20:15
Well, got to my 60,000 mile service today (at 61,967 miles). Changed out my 4th fuel filter. What has up til now been a simple operation was a nightmare! Started bad right from the git-go. I pulled the fender liner, and cracked open the vent screw - which immediately began seeping a continuous trickle of diesel. My big ziplock bag had a corner full of fuel in no time and I discovered that it was leaking! The filter was now covered in fuel and my rubber strap wrench was useless. Thank goodness the nylon strap wrench that I carry in the bed was "fuel proof!" Once I got it off, the housing was continuously dripping fuel as I thrashed around trying to get the water in fuel sensor swapped out. Struggled in the wheelwell with fuel running down both arms to get the new filter installed and snugged-up. Finally got her on there, tight and primed with a huge fuel spot in the driveway! Primed right up and started, though and hasn't missed a beat. I then nursed the bruised ego and gashes on both hands and completed the riv-nut installation and even put three riv-nuts in the rear of the driver's well and finally installed a pair of front mud-guards that I've been sitting on for over a year. The oil and filter job was a breeze after the fuel-flood! This was the first time that I ever spilled more than a few drops of fuel on a filter change and the only thing that I can see that was different was that the truck was backed-up to the garage door and therefore pointing slightly downhill. Always facing the garage door (uphill) or in the garage (level) for the the other filters. Last time I try it on a downslope! tongue.gif

07-18-2003, 20:41
One thing you might wanna try is removing the fuel cap, this will help nuetralize tank pressure and may help keep the mess down, I dont know how much of an angle you were on but unless its drastic, it shouldnt give you problems.

Lone Eagle
07-18-2003, 21:53
On a warm day I am sure there was a little pressure in the tank. Later! Lone Eagle

07-18-2003, 22:09
Idle_Chatter, wish I could say the same about the oil filter - its still on, a little dented but stuck good! Filter change went ok though. Maybe next time we can trade, I'll do your fuel filter for you and you can wrench out that oil filter for me. :D

07-19-2003, 06:33
Well, I had popped the cap first thing (always do) but I had a nearly full aux tank selected and it's 43 gallons in the bed and had a level above the filter housing. Old dog learns new trick. One thing, though, diesel fuel really staunches bleeding on cuts! The gashes on both hands clotted up real quick! :rolleyes:

07-19-2003, 06:38
BobW, you fighting the factory filter? I've nearly popped a blood vessel in my head trying to get those things off! The heat and pressure seems to vulcanize the gasket to the filter housing and you have to twist the can off the gasket. I now have an Amsoil dual remote filter setup mounted inside the frame. Both filters are vertical and not such a PITA to get on and off. Before going to the dual remote, I put a thin film of neverseez on the stock filter gasket instead of oil. Seemed to help it to release at changeout time.

07-19-2003, 10:37
How about posting some pics of your dual oil filter setup.

07-21-2003, 09:10
BobW, photos of the dual remote are up in my "PICS" link in the "Dual_Remote" folder.