View Full Version : Pre OEM Mounted Racor Update

07-13-2003, 09:21
My brother in law installed his 2 micron pre-OEM Racor
on the frame the same time I switched mine to
a post-OEM under the air box . We both have about
8000 miles on them.

I thought by now that his added filter would have clogged?? But it's still doing the job.

Hoot, on one of the posts I just read, you said
you were going to change out your post-OEM
at 4000 miles............. why? :confused:

07-13-2003, 14:02
I don't remember that post but I'm still on my first Racor postOEM element. About 5000 on it now.

I am doing a second fuel analysis only because I did my first one in haste just before going on a trip.

Although it passed, it's a good possiblilty that I contaminated the sample. I know I didn't flush nearly as much as the other guys did that got the better results.

So far so good.

Lone Eagle
07-13-2003, 21:49
I am patiently waiting your results. I have 6500 on mine and all is well. Later! Lone Eagle :D