View Full Version : Just got "juiced"...have I hurt her?

06-15-2002, 20:34

Got my truck "juiced" a few days ago (and pardon me for the delay in posting that fact, for I've been far too busy enjoying my new 4 ton rocket! :eek: ). After only 1 run at level 4 and MANY, MANY full-throttle runs at levels 2 and 3 ;) , I'm hearing a host of new creaks and groans eminating from the suspension and/or frame. I assume that the added torque has really put it to the test...has anyone else experienced this? Is this anything to worry about?

As far as my opinion of "the juice", all I can say is....WOW!!! :D :D :D

[ 06-15-2002: Message edited by: DMAXDiva ]</p>

06-15-2002, 23:34

Got Juiced Wednesday this week (vers. 3.02). Only sounds I've heard is the two rear tires wearing down fast. Run different settings in both normal & tow/haul. No problems, no codes.

Other than all the extra power, the only things I've noticed different are:
1) Have to crank considerably longer to start.
2) Considerable smoke out the pipe when I hit it hard.
3) Had a small shower this afternoon & the truck was literally dangerous. 40 mph, 1/3 throttle & I was headed sideways. Forget it from a stop on wet pavement. Had the Juice on level #4. Put it in tow/haul (level #2) & it was tolerable but still had to really watch it.

Where are you in TX?


06-16-2002, 07:39

Thanks for the input...yeah, this juice is amazing, but then the truck has to be pretty amazing to respond this way! Sounds like we have very similar trucks. Let me ask you this: after your RH front-end replacement went on, did you crank your torsion bars? I noticed about a 1 to 1.5 inch sag on the front end with the 300lb weight even after 4 turns on the right and 3 on the left. It really appears to have returned to the "factory rake". I'm hesitant to turn the torsion bars any more (the ride's pretty harsh already after 4 turns), but I'd sure like to raise the front-end back to level. Any ideas?

I see that you live in San Antone...I live outside of Livingston on a commercial cattle ranch (but my truck has yet to go off-road!) :rolleyes:

06-16-2002, 10:42

Yes, I had my dealer do the torsion rods due to possible warranty problems. You know the routine. They did the rods & alligned for $100.00. Thought that was a pretty fair price.

Cranked em up almost all the way to the stops to give me about 1" rake. It does ride a little stiff but I only run 45 lbs in the front & 35 in the rear with the 295 BFG's. The truck still rides MUCH softer than with the stock tires.

If you have Onstar I've got a fix to get it working again with the aftermarket head unit.


[ 06-16-2002: Message edited by: Billy14 ]</p>

06-16-2002, 14:50

Moderation and "SHE" will be fine .........

My trucks a "BOY" and after that TOPIC subject: Sounding way to provocative, I had to give him (my truck) a "DOWN BOY" ........ LMAO


06-16-2002, 18:53

I don't have the OnStar system, but thanks anyway for the offer of assistance. As far as setting #4 goes, I've only made one run in 4 and it was pretty darned scary! Right now I'm running level 3 and that's plenty...I think I'll go with level 2 for everyday driving, but right now the "new" has yet to wear off, so I'll just keep wiping the soot off the tailpipe for a little while longer! :D


Thanks for the advice...I'll make a serious attempt at "moderation", but it sure is difficult when you're havin' so darned much fun, eh? ;)