View Full Version : Front bumper? Air dams?

03-19-2004, 07:36
I was going to install a set of driving lights IN the front bumper of my 1996 3500. a Friend of mine said the cut-outs that are IN the bumper are air dams for diesel trucks. He said they are absolutely necessary for proper air flow and if I fill them with a pair of driving lights, I'm going to screw up air flow to my radiator. Is this true? They dont look very effective and can't imagine they were put there for that purpose. My original thought was they were for optional lighting the original owner decided not to buy.

thanks guys,

P.S. Still haven't bought that turbo master. Will soon... just waiting on some cash :-/

G. Gearloose
03-19-2004, 07:54
Your freind is correct, they are functional.

Dvldog 8793
03-19-2004, 08:46
Don't plug them with lights. There should be a plastic air deflector system behind the bumper that helps direct air to your trans and oil coolers.

03-19-2004, 09:22
There sure is. Damn, and I was hoping to put some light in there. Those empty holes look like they're lacking something! Oh well, I'll just have to stick with a set down below on the skirt.

Thanks guys,


03-19-2004, 15:29
The air dams look really cool if you ask me, it sure makes it look different, especially compared to the smoothie bumpers on the gassers.

03-19-2004, 16:49
some small rounded projector type lights may not block enough air flow to make a difference.what do you guys think?

03-19-2004, 20:38
ssybert, another opinion, I have been running rectangular driving lights in these hole for
two years, towing a horse float through 2 summers. I don't disagree with the other threads, about the air flow. However I have not experienced any temp problems with these lights in the bumper.
Before I fitted my lights I spoke to the local emergency (ambulance mechanic) they run a fleet of thousands of GMC's in my state. He showed me the amount of gear that covers the frount of their vehicles.
This includes Spots- Driving lights sirens and multi flashing lights.
I asked him the question, if I fit lights in these holes would I run into heat problems. He told me that they had not had any problems with air flow or temprature and with the amount of gear they run, if this was going to be a problem it would have presented by now, given the size of their fleet.
Like I said I don't disagree with the air flow threads, as GM would have made these holes for this reason. All I can tell you is that it's been a calculated risk on my part, and I have not had any problems. I may add that I am still running the OEM cooling system, but do intend to upgrade as I add performance parts.
This is just my 2c worth.
Have Fun, Safely.

03-23-2004, 10:27
The holes are required for the diesel,but GM did offer driving lights for these holes.

I personally would not cover them up. Heat eventually took out my engine. I do use it to pull with and I will not compromise its 97 cooling mods.

03-23-2004, 11:12
Here's what I did - I reversed the tow hooks side to side, which opened up the air dam holes to the inside, and gave we room to mount "bullet' fog lights, and a place to bolt them to ( sorry about the dangling participle)

03-23-2004, 15:39
I originally thought they were used to put your foot into because I work on the engine so much (thanking GM for such a novel thought). I mean they have the right spacing for your legs and feet. After reading the forum for couple years I realize they are really for both applications - cooling and working on the engine.