View Full Version : New $1,000 rebate on Duramax

07-08-2003, 08:31
Just got new rebate sheet. GM came out w/ a bonus 1k rebate on duramax. So you can get the 1k rebate and 0%. or 4k rebate and other rates or cash. It is good until 9/30.

I forgot there is another 500 bonus cash in the south-central region. So that is a total of 1500+%0 or $4500 total.

[ 07-08-2003, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: TXDMAX ]

07-08-2003, 08:42
Can the GM card discount be piled on top?

07-08-2003, 08:54
Yes, the GM Card program is totally separate from the Rebates open to everyone, and you can use both on the same purchase. When I purchased my GMC in January I got both the rebate then in effect ($3000 as I recall) plus, in addition, used my GM Card points good for over $5100 at that time. (I have an old GM Card that allowed accrual of points at $1000 per year in the earlier years). I had almost 7 years of accumulated points, and they threw me a bonus of 1000 points if I bought a vehicle by January 31. It pushed me over the edge. smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

07-08-2003, 09:03

Skinny Blinky
07-08-2003, 11:51
My Brother & I just bought 2 new dmaxes only last week, only got 3k cash back....wonder if gm will spring for the extra grand???

07-08-2003, 14:59
Binky, I don't think so. The rebate you get is based on what was in effect on your delivery date. Never hurts to ask, however.

07-08-2003, 15:30
Sorry Blinky but there is nothing the dealer can do that late after the sale. If it makes you feel better I missed a 1500 rebate on my wife's Tahoe a few years ago by 2 weeks and couldn't do anything about it (worked at dealership).