View Full Version : Mega confuses dealer Tech

07-07-2003, 13:38
Just got a paniced call from my service advisor. :eek: I expected him to tell me I needed a new Allison or something. He wanted to know what that thing (Mega Filter) with the bottle behind my headlight was. I explained it was a second fuel filter and reminded him that I talked to him and the tech the last time I was in before installing it. I also told him he found my catch bottle to keep from making a mess when I change filters and bleed the air out. I took it in for transmission problems and he found the Mega filter. Hmmmmmm what was he looking for? :confused:

07-07-2003, 13:44
Fuel Starvation .......
Maybe it wouldn't start .........

Mac :D :D :D

07-07-2003, 13:55
Doubt that with the lift pump on it. I wonder when he will find that? Boy is he going to be in for a surprise if he puts his Kent Moore gauge on the Schrader valve. How do you get 0 from a vacuum system? :eek: I can tell him I installed a nuetron magnetic flux capacitor for better mileage. :rolleyes: That's what that button is for, yea, that's the ticket. tongue.gif I'll show him my fuel analysis if he gets to flustered. GM should require all of their diesel techs to be a member here and then we wouldn't have to explain so much to them. Maybe MP can give them a corporate discount or they can become sponsors. :D

07-07-2003, 14:22
First off stop inviting techs here unless their friendly's .... ;)

Chris it is unfortunate the lack of info that is at participating service dealers .... For what we pay and now that GM has a respectable diesel more training should indeed be top priority ... Perhaps in time as we are the guinea pigs I guess ... I wont get into it any further I'll leave it at that,for now ... :eek:

They were prolly just snooping for poor running issues as you said it wouldn't shift into OD so they seen some extra fuel lines at the fuel filter ECU are ,and sad A HA ....


I could tell you my tranny has seen 200 degrees on a hot, hot rodding day,but comes down to engine operating temps once moving,190 ish ... There is 10 degrees difference in my gauges .... My secondary is half mass in the deep pan .... The factory reads higher .... More prevalent at higher temps .......

I use T/H as much as possible in traffic stop and go driving ....

You may have some issues keep it documented at the dealers ... Unless they can see with a tech II loses your going to be still in the Allison that is bolted behind your Max ....

Not a consolation to free but it appears a M74 can be had fairly cheap down the road,if warranted,don't know how long you keep'im,or how far you will bomb ...

Good luck ...

Mac smile.gif

07-07-2003, 14:49
To get this truck, I had to commit to keeping it till the oldest is out of college. She is 4 1/2. :eek: I don't mind sharing what I know as long as they aren't going to try to use it against me.

Like Yoda said "You must unlearn what you have learned." Let the diesel flow through you. :D

07-07-2003, 16:00
Grand Rapids is just a short 2000 or so miles from most of you all. Could easily make it here in just a few days :D :D

07-07-2003, 16:44
Thanks for the generous offer, dmaxalliTech. I checked mapquest and it looks like a 6 hr drive. Do you have a courtesy van that could run me back to work? :rolleyes:

07-07-2003, 16:46
dmaxallitech.....I wish you were in my local service department........my long start is still there when hot.....another service manager(friend of friend)suggested checking or changing my battries. he said just a few rpm less than spec can make a big difference in how fast the pressure gets up to starting pressure. Made sense to me. These have 45k on them and are about a year old (since I purchased it new) Not to mention two telephones ,radio amp, radar dectector, xm radio that stay on most of the time whether running or not........thanks for your help. I guess If its ever proven that broker exist I might use him to ship my truck to you for any major mechanical repair..........thanks again.....sorry chris for horning in on your thread :D dave

07-07-2003, 17:24
The wife asked about you on the way home tonight. Wanted to know if we could bring it to you and then said, "wait, doesn't he live in another state?" I told her it would be a short 17 hour drive one way. She wants to at least give them a shot at it. :D Oops, sorry for the bullet pun there. :rolleyes:

Hoping more techs would lurk and learn. If they don't want to learn, they won't take the time to read anyway. It they become a problem there is always a steel accident that can be arranged. tongue.gif I actually find it amazing that we have only one or two GM techs on the page. I guess it's the difference between a job and a hobby. Why are all the shops WAAAYYYY up there anyway? Do we not break enough stuff down here? :confused:

07-07-2003, 17:52

Thanks for the generous offer, dmaxalliTech. I checked mapquest and it looks like a 6 hr drive. Do you have a courtesy van that could run me back to work? You just get a list of needs togather and we can take care of it if you come down for diesel day!


he said just a few rpm less than spec can make a big difference in how fast the pressure gets up to starting pressure. Made sense to me Plug in the Predater and check it, spec is 150 rpm while cranking. Low crank rpm will do that...