View Full Version : 2500HD On Order; Getting Cold Feet

09-14-2002, 01:35
I've got an '03 Chevy 2500HD D/A 4WD/G80 CC SB LT on order with a 9/23/02, TWP and 10/15/02, estimated delivery.

Yes, we were able to get over the new front end change and think it looks good on the larger HD's, especially those with dark colors.

However, I'm starting to get cold feet with all of these complaints about the lopey idle, lurching forward, the tick, the steering rattle, the Allison busyness, and the leaks that I read about here.

And what conerns me the most is the repeated reports of GM and dealers' deliberate indifference to customer complaints,ie; Lousy Service.

I wonder if GM incorporated any fixes for these problems on the '03 models.

Or, would GM would be so self-serving as to postpone installing these fixes until they expended all of the old faulty parts.

In other words is GM just leaving it to the consumer to "pull teeth" with the dealers to get the fixes?

Has anyone heard of GM incorporating any fixes in the 2003 models?

This waiting is driving me nuts! But thanks to you folks I now have an idea of what I may be getting for my $40,000+ K, - both the good and the bad.

09-14-2002, 03:33
haven't heard of significiant changes to power train .... as to performance, I firmly believe that (while no vehicle is perfect) the vast majority of these trucks do really well, mine is proving to be an excellent vehicle .... the dealership you select is critical in any brand of vehicle, no complaints about mine .... can only hope you enjoy your new truck as much as we have ... Jim :cool:

09-14-2002, 04:09
No problems with my 01 D/A..... No lopey idle, no surge, no 5/4 shift, no rattles, no......... None from day one...

Just a smile on my face... 27k now and still pulling strong.

09-14-2002, 04:39
No problems with mine.....this truck just gets better as you drive it. smile.gif

09-14-2002, 07:04
Nothing here either. Mine was built 5-02 and 9000 miles on her. Odoh's truck was built a month before mine and he's having some problems with the tranny with only 2500 miles on his. They're never perfect and you may or may not experience anyone of the problems stated here but get the truck and enjoy it. You won't regret it.

09-14-2002, 07:12
First bit of advise, what ever you purchase make sure and get a good dealer to service it.

My truck has been back to the dealer for normal oil changes, a refalsh for the 5/4 shift busyness and the steering wheel rattle. I tried the lube job first and it lasted a week. I called back and they put the part in - NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Apparently some dealers are reluctant to do the bearing :confused: .

As far as what I think about my truck, I heard about it, drove one, ordered what I wanted in it, and absolutely LOVE IT!!!! I waited over 4 months for mine, if you are lucky to get yours in less than 2 consider yourself lucky ;) .

Good Luck to you,


[ 09-14-2002: Message edited by: GMC-2002-Dmax ]</p>

09-14-2002, 08:15
[Quote] "However, I'm starting to get cold feet with all of these complaints about the lopey idle, lurching forward, the tick, the steering rattle, the Allison busyness, and the leaks that I read about here."

I have an '03 Duramax Chevy, and have had no lopey idle, lurching forward, tick, steering rattle, shift busyness, or leaks. This truck is the best truck I have ever owned, bar none, and absolutely blows away the '02 Cummins HO Dodge it replaced.

My dealership service dept is horrible, but that is what I get for living in a small town with only one Chevy dealership, they have no competition.

Please read my post over on the accessories forum, regarding my "mastercard momemt" with this new Duramax, LOL. It was perfect. :cool:



[ 09-14-2002: Message edited by: 3TV ]</p>

DMAX Daddy
09-14-2002, 08:17
Not had any of those problems with my '03 smile.gif

09-14-2002, 09:40
Thanks for all the encouragement.

I knew I wanted a Duramax since I test drove one over a year ago and set my sights on it. Really psyched to finally have one on the way. I'll be sure to "shop" for a good service dealer.

Onver the last 5 years I've been pulling a 26' TT with a 5.3L Durango. Tired of just barely making it up grades, (warning lights etc). Plus, we want to upgrade to a heavier Weekend Warrior. Sierras and Rockies here we come!

That's a great Birthday story, giving the keys to your Dad-in-law and letting the Duramax speak for itself, (with a little help from the juice)!

This is a great site which I am sure has influence on GM Diesel problem solving. They have produced a great truck, a legend in it's own time.

Still, it seems that in many cases they could have been a little more responsive rather than citing the "in spec" excuse to do nothing in the face of an obvious problem.

09-14-2002, 10:28
One other thing to consider, which has been mentioned before here at TDP. A forum such as this is bound to attract a much higher percentage of people with problems than those without. Many people have these trucks with virtually no problems, and therefore aren't going out of their way on the internet to find a place like this to ask questions. Those who are having problems are far more likely to search out these types of discussions forums. My understanding was that for at least the first model year, GM and Isuzu were seeing less repairs/fixes than what was projected for the Duramax. I had the computer reflashed shortly after I bought the truck in October of 2001, and then again this past spring when a new update came out. I also had to have a repair done on the driver's door lock cover (it kept popping off), and that is it. I take it to the dealer for general maintenance and at 28,000+ miles have had no problems.

car of the week
09-14-2002, 11:13

what dealer did you order your truck from? i work @ Connell in Costa Mesa. i have had my duramax for 2 months now and it is the best thing i have ever had. the truck has 5700 miles on it and i can't say enough good about them. i understand i am biased, but you drove it, so you know how good it really is.

09-14-2002, 11:14
Yea I guess this is kind of like Diesel 911! And not too many folks dial 911 to report good news.

However, there is a also great deal of praise for the Duramax trucks here too. Even those with seemingly chronic problems recognize that they are fundamentally great trucks and love their trucks.

car of the week
09-14-2002, 11:15

what dealer did you order your truck from? i work @ Connell in Costa Mesa. i have had my duramax for 2 months now and it is the best thing i have ever had. the truck has 5700 miles on it and i can't say enough good about them. i understand i am biased, but you drove it, so you know how good it really is.

09-14-2002, 13:10
Harbor Chevy in Long Beach. Don't know about their Service but they gave me the best price around. We checked all around including Connell. Talked to a big guy with a Rolex. $2.5 Grand price above what we got for a ordered truck from Harbor, plus, 12 to 16 week wait instead of 6-8 at Harbor, (which looks like it may actually be closer to six). So I'm happy with the deal so far.

Macphereson (Irvine Auto Center) offered $300 above factory invoice but I was already committed at Harbor.

How does Connell HD 6600 diesel/Allison Service compare to others in the area?

09-14-2002, 13:19
My '02 was built 01/02 and I haven't had any problems at all. i brought it in for the 5/4 update as a precaution, but never experienced the problem myself. She runs 110% all the time and I think its the best truck ever! 10,200 miles so far!

car of the week
09-14-2002, 13:27

Our service department is pretty good. I used to think they had issues but after speaking to numerous customers and hearing their horror stories, we must be pretty good. The price you got is very good. That dealership is notorious for mediocore service. Try us or Dellilo for service, stay away from the Autonation stores. if have any other questions reguarding price or ordering process let me know


09-14-2002, 14:15
Thanks for your recommendations. By coincidence I had just finished talking to my neighbor who is an HB fireman about Chevcy service. He has a 1500 and a Suburban.

He says most of the HB firemen with Chevies like Connell's service. Those guys compare notes about these things so that's a solid recommendation in my book. My neighbor himself uses Delillo - no complaints.

Now all I have to do is just get it!

09-14-2002, 21:17

I have a 01 3500 long Bed
Lost the Tranny at 700 miles,2nd one on record at that time. I have 25,000 on it now No problems,great Truck. 15,000 miles pulling a 12,000 5th wheel. Go For It

2001 3500 Dmax
1968 Merconvert
1929 Ford
1984 T Bird 67,000 miles Wifes baby

09-15-2002, 12:18
I've been reading this forum since around Dec. 2001. Picked up my 2002 Chevy D/A 2500HD in Nov. 2001. I admit after reading this page for so long I've been waiting for a problem to happen. I'm still waiting and have enjoyed nearly 10.000 completely trouble free miles. As was said earlier this tends to be a forum where problems are discussed. I've been sensitized to listening for ticks, waiting for busyness, waiting for idle problems (don't know what lopey means), waiting for lurches etc. but have not had any of that. On the other hand I might have all of that but don't know it because I'm enjoying driving it so much.

Mike G.
09-15-2002, 19:21
HB We purchased a 2002- 3500 crew cab long bed D/A with 2400 miles on the truck.Whilebringing our new 5th wheel home the drive line blew and caused extensive damage to the truck...GM is suppose to be giving us a new 2003 to replace it...we are suppose to be getting priority on the delivery of this truck. The first one blew up May 24, 2002. The new truck was ordered June 18th, 2002...We were told initially 4-5 weeks delivery then it became, sept. - oct. then oct. -nov. Now we are into December (and this is priority)....Keep us posted as to when your truck is coming in....This should be interesting....

09-15-2002, 19:56
Like reading what others are experiencing with their trucks and don't comment often because nothing has gone wrong with my Duramax/Allison 01 at 30K miles. Change oil and fuel filters myself and generally go over it with a careful eye. Biggest effort is in rotating tires and that darn spare on the old steel wheat that doesn't match the other four polished aluminum ones.

Fuel consumption is around 18.5 mpg but have gone as high as 19.9 on a 400 mile trip recently. Towing 4K pounds drops this down to 16.0 mpg. Great machine and you can't hear me coming but my neighbor in his Dodge Cummins rattles a quarter mile away. Go for Duramax, you won't regret it.

09-15-2002, 20:31
I'll add my voice to the chorus of those who've had no problems. Well, okay, the spring that holds the windshield wiper to the glass on the driver's side popped off the first time I washed the window, but other than that my GMC has run like a train for nearly 4,000 miles. Very good mileage, avg, over 15, with highs near twenty on the road and lows in the 14's in stop and go. No tick, no lope, no rattle, no shiftiness. I admit the problems others have had make me a little concerned about what might happen, but it really would take the fun out of it to worry about what might happen, when what IS happening is outstanding. This a GREAT TRUCK. You'll love it.


09-15-2002, 20:32
I'll add my voice to the chorus of those who've had no problems. Well, okay, the spring that holds the windshield wiper to the glass on the driver's side popped off the first time I washed the window, but other than that my GMC has run like a train for nearly 4,000 miles. Very good mileage, avg, over 15, with highs near twenty on the road and lows in the 14's in stop and go. No tick, no lope, no rattle, no shiftiness. I admit the problems others have had make me a little concerned about what might happen, but it really would take the fun out of it to worry about what might happen, when what IS happening is outstanding. This a GREAT TRUCK. You'll love it.


09-15-2002, 21:45
Thanks for all of the encouragement. I know I'm getting the best pick-up made.

It sounds like most problems are usually minor and do not appear to detract from most people's overall high regard of the of the D/A combination.

09-15-2002, 21:51
Mike G:

If I were you I'd go to the media. Do any of your local TV stations have a consumer watch dog show where they bring in the cameras and question bad businessmen?

It'd be great if you could bring a TV crew to meet with the area rep who promised you a truck but hasn't delivered.

Good luck.

Mike G.
09-25-2002, 00:32
HB We were trying to work this out with GM but it is becoming apparent that this may not happen. Their story changes daily. If we can't work out the latest details media &/or attorney will definitly be our next step. (See Dmax owner needs your help or Can you help?) threads for the latest updates) you cannot believe the headache this has been....we are sick of it...Good Luck when you get your truck...I hope you have really good luck with it like alot of the other people have....Mike G.

[ 09-25-2002: Message edited by: Mike G. ]</p>

09-25-2002, 22:53
HI H.B. & if you e-mail me the S.O.N. & T.P.W. I'll add it to my "WATCH OUT FOR LIST" for you. E-mail me at = howard_m18@yahoo.com

09-27-2002, 14:04
I also have to chime in. Built in March 01. No problems to date, and great dealer service. Had upgrades done and routine maintenace. 20,000 miles half of that towing a 15,000LB 5th wheel.

09-27-2002, 20:43
Thanks for the offer but the dealer already got the VIN# and says it has been built.

It is about 1 week ahead of schedule. Hopefully, it'll be here next week sometime. The wait is like a month-long Night Before Christmas! It's maddening!

Anyway, the wait has afforded me the opportunity to read all the posts here and at the PU and RV forums about the DMAX.

I now know how to best maintain it and, if I can get some more dough, maybe juice it up properly.

From all that I've read, it promises to be an awesome truck.

09-27-2002, 21:07

No worries brah...

My truck is a late '02. I believe that it has a May '02 build date and I bought it Mid-June.

Here it is late Sept... Almost 3 1/2 months with my new baby... She has almost 18,000 miles on her, over 10,000 towing, and I have NOT had a single problem with this truck.

Nothing Nada Niet Nill

Well other than one, my battery died on Thurs morn. It had nothing to do with me driving my Vette to work and leaving my car unattended for 36 hours with a REFRIGERATOR draining power from the batteries. :rolleyes:

A growing boy needs a cold one every now and then. :D

Anyway, forget the cold feet and keep making the wish list.

These things are unbelievible. Fill her with fuel and keep the fluids new. She'll treat you right.

09-28-2002, 01:17
Yup, I already have two cases of the Delvac 5W-40W coming in.

Figure I'll get two quick freebie Dino oil changes out of the dealer and then go to the synthetic stuff after 2,000-3,000 miles.

Decided against the Aero tank 48 gallon replacement tank; Getting a Transferflow 45 gallon replacement tank instead.

Still got to order the Amsoil air filter and filter oil.

Fold-a-cover is already in along with Husky floor liners.

Westin w-t-w chrome/stainless step bars are coming in next week.

09-30-2002, 14:15
Looks like the D/A's are popular in California. I was able to find a '03 2500HD LT with color and everything I wanted, in one day's time, up here in Washington State. That was a month ago.

Just love the Truck, took my first trip over the Cascade Mountains (I-90) hauling a 3,500# Eagle Cap Camper. The truck performance has exceeded my expectations, I love cruising up a 5-6% grade at 2,200 RPM, 60-65 mph, the transmission decided 4th gear was necessary. I think I would be dangerous with the juice, trying to convince the wife is the hard part, though.

Hang in there it is worth the wait.

10-01-2002, 15:48
As you've figured out, good news is under reported. I've had a 2~1 rough shifting issue that was phawed phawed by one dealer and repaired by another dealer. Required replacement of the allison valve body. First tank after the fix yielded 22.8mpg unladened. Other than that, some nuisance stuff like the IP 4WD indicator, OD lockout and stuff like that. Some of which has been taken are of on the 03s ~ and for us 01/02 fellas, help from this forum/friends have helped us to incorporate viable solutions. The big things are the service dept of the dealership and the newness of the D/A. Many haven't had to do much work on the D/As and are a lil inexperienced but a customer oriented service dept in contact/working w/TAC can go a long way if one does have a problem. The wait is the worst. I had to wait 6mos. Still feel it will have to be a coooollllldddd day before I warm up to GM but its nice that they are trying. Me be happy ~ and think you will too. ~ odoh