View Full Version : need advice guys

06-11-2002, 07:03
a buddy of mine works for a GM dealer and they have a Duramax in the shop and what it does is it dies and won't restart....he was asking me what I think because of all the wonderful info on here.......I had told him about the crank sensor...they replaced it and still does it....any ideas or thoughts..? any help would be greatly appreciated.....dmaxster

06-11-2002, 07:54
Kind of on a limb with limited inf, but we had one locally that was quitting, and not making rail psi. Tech ended up using the Tech 2 to command a bunch of rail psi to get it to run, then trying to get in gear and go before it died.

Ended up towing it back and trying agian with no luck. When they got it in the shop, it finally decided to fire up. After getting pushy with TAC, (commercial hauler progressively worsening condition) they finally got a pump from GM, and this was the cure.

06-12-2002, 01:41
yeah I had just talked to him tonight a little more trying to get more info... he said you go down the road and it'll die...you can start it up right away when you pull over... he said if you'd through it Neutral you'd probably beable to start immediately....I said bad Fuel Filter bud had said no.....he also said does irradically no pattern and not all the time...not always a warm temp ( outside that is ) I never did ask him if the engine had to be upto temp or not.....sorry hope this helps.....I gave him this web page to browse so hopefully I can let you all know what we find out....Thanks for the quick reply kennedy....dmaxster :cool:

06-12-2002, 19:02
Well, Maxster, it sure sounds electrical/electronic from what you've said so far. I would look at grounds/connections and maybe even a problem in the TCM, although the known failure of the NBSU switch on the Allison wouldn't hurt as a starting point. Look for problems on major cable runs down the driver's side of the engine and along the frame to the tranny.