View Full Version : K&N Air Charger Kit

06-09-2002, 14:14
My SES light has been coming on once in awhile.I brought it into the dealer, and they said the mass airflow sencor is showing to be the problem.It was reading 50g/s at idol.Has anyone else with the K&N air charger exsperinced this? I was also wondering if anyone has tried Granatelli Motor Sports high performance mass airflow sencor? They claim 47% more airflow capacity, and 10-15 rear wheel hp.

06-09-2002, 14:27
I have seen this also,going to the dealer to get it changed Mon.morning,have you talked to K&N on this? Seems as if mine throws the ses when I sit idle on the jobsite in hot weather,but after I restart a few times it goes out.I was hopeing changing the MAF sensor would improve my mpg's as mine has never been great(16.5 solo). :mad:

[ 06-09-2002: Message edited by: pullinpower ]</p>

06-09-2002, 15:49
I emailed K&N last week, but I haven't herd back from them yet.

Mark A
06-09-2002, 18:19
My 01 truck keeps doing this but the 02 doesnt, and it only does it when its hot and been running.

06-09-2002, 18:48
K&N equals dirt and the MAF does not like dirt. How long have you had the K&N on the truck? You can trying cleaning the MAF with 99% alcohol. Do not touch the film on the MAF, just put it in a container big enough to hold it and then pour in the alcohol. Swish it around a while and the put it back. This is a very common practice with the MAF on the VW TDI's. It works about 90% of the time. You do not have anything to loose if they are going to replace it anyway, plus you will then know if its the K&N or not.

06-09-2002, 19:28
I only have about 5,000 miles of all street driving. I doubt it is dirt since it did it in the first 500 miles.

06-09-2002, 20:07
I have run mine in dry colorado for 4K miles and have not had any problems.I toke air flow meter out and wire was not dirty at all.FYI at my shop I am always having too clean GM's and Fords all the time even when they run the stock air filter's. :eek:

06-09-2002, 20:25

Sorry but since no one else will make a reply to you I will.

You can not be further off on your K&N comment, they make and have been for years the best filters on the planet. The "DIRT" is only what competitors throw around with their mouths.

Please back up your slander with some actual facts. And no your friends, sisters, boyfriends, father in law does not count.

06-09-2002, 20:35
I am not going to slam anyone here but you allforgot to mention the fact that if you over oil any air filter its not good for that mass airflow ! its also possible that you may have water damage?the 01's have a some paperwork to back this up,I think the 02's are ok?

06-09-2002, 21:27
I don't think it is dirt related in this situation.I am thinking there is to much air going buy and making it run to lean. John K posted a couple of weeks ago his air box modification made his truck run like a turd. He said at idol it should be reeding 40g/s. Mine is reeding 50g/s at idol. I was hopping to here from someone who has tried the Granatelli mass air flow sencor. From what I read about them they calibrate the injector timing and ignition timing to mach the air flow rate. I will probobly pay the $330, and be the tester since it sounds like other trucks are having the same problem. When I first installed the air kit there was a noticable difference in power, but I am pretty sure the computer has learned to adjust to the extra air flow, and the turbo don't seem to spoolup as fast as it used to it seems to hesatate even more now then before the K&N.

[ 06-09-2002: Message edited by: bbattrell ]</p>

06-11-2002, 18:33
If K&N is so good way are their so many threads on this forum stating otherwise. I do not need fancy test results, just good old every day use. Many people here have gotten rid of the K&N filters and all were because of the dirt they were letting by. K&N is so popular because they spend a lot of money on advertising. Yes K&N flows a lot of air which is what most people seem to be so caught up in. But in real life it lets a lot of dirt buy as well.

06-11-2002, 20:15
Greg as a salesman I would expect those comments.
P.S I don't think people could be so stupid for so long on the k-N Air filters.It is a good product just get used too it.Read my thread a couple of lines ago R:E about I clean ALOT of ford and GM mass air flow wires that collect alot of dirt etc.stock air filters and air boxes.lets not try to pick pepper out of fly shi*.Just my opinion!!!

[ 06-11-2002: Message edited by: 2DAMAX ]

[ 06-11-2002: Message edited by: 2DAMAX ]

[ 06-11-2002: Message edited by: 2DAMAX ]</p>

06-12-2002, 06:39
Lets face it everyone has their own opinion about air filters. But more are finding everyday that K&N is not a good filter to filter out dirt. All you need to do is go to other sights and you will see. As for paper filter filters they do not filter as well as the K&N. I proved that in Dayaton in 2001. For people that don't live in farming or dusty areas they most lilely will be fine using paper or K&N. But for the farmer or guy that lives in dusty conditions it spells trouble.

06-12-2002, 07:05
There has been a member on here who has commented SEVERAL times about K&N filters. He eveidently works in a lab where they check the oil for dirt, metal, etc. He does not sell anything, is not affiliated with any sellers on here. This gentleman backs up what Greg is saying. (you can SEARCH and find many of his posts)
Now having said all of that, I have a K&N replacement in my truck. Used them on my hotrods for years. My OPINION is that it depends on the type of driving (dusty) you do and how you maintain your filter. If I did a lot of dusty driving, I would want a filter with an outer wrap. Look at off road racers and the set-ups they use.

[ 06-12-2002: Message edited by: Plasticfantastic ]</p>

george morrison
06-12-2002, 07:40
And the lube engineer who lives with real engines in the field chimes in.. As Greg has indicated, I do have problems with K&N's. I review hundreds of oil analysis each day and can share with you that 90% of the alarmed oil analysis results for dirt are K&N or non-paper equipped vehicles. I do not work with and am not associated with any air filter manufacturer. I am only concerned in maximizing engine and component life. The #1 method of achieving this is ensuring the cleanest air possible gets into the engine, especially in a turbo charged diesel engine.
As recently as last week (TDI get together site, east coast) a number of K&N equipped VW TDI's had their eyes opened (with tears in them) as the technician pulled out large amounts of abrasive dirt from their intake systems. However, the cars equipped with paper or OEM elements had no indications of dirt.
Additionally, the TDI's were taken to the dyno and and paper/OEM cars indicated the highest horsepower/torque readings for the day! i.e. with turbocharged engines, induction free flow is not going to affect HP to the level a natural asperated engine. That turbo is going to get the air it needs, regardless! That is why it is SO important for paper equipped vehicles to constantly check for system integrity.
Moreover, any dirt ingestion is going to cause reduction in HP/performance due to blade erosion that will occur.
Regarding the Fords and Dodges that have MAF issues, in most cases we find severe intake leaks and when those are corrected the dirty MAF goes away or at least gets much better.
I have 25+ years of direct field involvement with both on and off-highway vehicles and I am sharing factual, not anectdotal information.
Additionally, there is a "factual" case study over at the Tundrasolutions.com web site where one of the individuals switched from K&N to Toyota OEM and wear metals, etc. reduced on the order of 50% with the first oil change. It is significant.
George Morrison, STLE CLS

Diesel to the MAX
06-12-2002, 08:50
George, can you supply any material on these results? You comments have me concerned on using any filter other then OEM paper. I have had to replace 6.2 with less then 70,000 miles due to dirt. The 6.2 was on a sweeper truck so it was in dusty conditions aprox. 80% of the time it was operating.

Any info would be very grateful!

george morrison
06-12-2002, 09:56
Regarding data: frankly it would be enough to publish a book. There is some excellent data over at the Tundrasolutions.com web site has some excellent work recently published (last week) showing a progressive analysis, graphing for the various filter. It is on-going.
Same for the VW TDIclub web site. Again, last week.
The main aspect I stress to people who absolutely have to run a K&N is run an oil analysis, including particle count, to make sure the K&N isn't trashing your engine. It takes but one teaspoon of dirt to destroy a huge CAT engine; much less for our life to be severely shortened..
George Morrison, STLE CLS

06-12-2002, 15:32
For what its worth check this link out.


06-14-2002, 06:07
Diesel to the MAX
OEM filters are not as good as you think. I demonstrated this at the 2001 rendezvous in Dayton. The paper filters pass more dirt than you think and the K&N is in the same field. If you get the chance come up to the Hancock county fair in July, I will have the demonstrator setup and I can show you the difference.


Diesel to the MAX
06-14-2002, 07:31

Thanks. I might just do that. When is the Hancock Fair? Shelby County

06-14-2002, 08:53
My $.02 worth:

Put the stock box back on and put whatever your choice of elements is back in. I prefer the Amsoil filter, would NEVER run a K&N. I have not seen enough oil on the sensors to cause any problems, and if it would, it is easily cleaned.

I have done some modifications to the factory air box lid, and they backfired. Long and short is that the MAF sensor measures a PERCENTAGE of the air through the tube. If flow direction is altered, this will change. The fuel system calibration GM software is based upon the stock lid.

Now for the fun part. YES I do represent the Amsoil line, BUT I am prehaps the most dissatisfied rep. with their service and policies. Greg L can attest to that as I vent to him on occasion. Fact is I faxed a nasty-gram to Amsoil customer service (there IS no such dept.) yesterday! Why do I continue to use their products? BECAUSE THEY WORK!

BTW, I promise you if Amsoil does not respond, I WILL be making the quick 3 hr drive to Superior...