View Full Version : TROTHLE SET UP....

12-09-2003, 22:22
Hi guys does any of you know where i can get a set up for my trothle, i have a 6.5 td engine and my truck is a 1984, so yes i went mechanical on the pump, also my truck is running hot, i dont know what it could be? my radiator has been rebuilt, i have new thermostats and have coolant in the engine, could it be my fan not blowing the right direccion? is the fan supossed to blow the air against the engine or towards the radiator?
i also checked the clutch and i let the engine warm up till almost 220 and im still able to turn the fan as many times that i turn it, so does it mean new fan? or i don't have the right one? any help is apreciated. Thank you guys.

1984 sierra classic now with 6.5 td and turbo master

12-09-2003, 22:49
If you have a serpentine belt, you need a fan for it. If you just put the fan off the 84 on it, it won't work.
The v-belt runs the opposite direction.

If you are using the v-belts still then you need to replace the water pump.

12-09-2003, 23:02
The fan should suck air through the radiator and over the engine.

This is from the military manual:

Attempt to spin fan and fan clutch by hand. If fan and fan clutch revolve more than five times without drag, replace fan clutch. (See TM 9-2320-289-20)

Visually check to see if lateral movement of fan, as measured at fan blade, exceeds approximately 0.25 in. (6.35 mm).

If lateral movement exceeds approximately 0.25 in. (6,35 mm), replace fan
clutch. (See TM 9-2320-289-20)

Check for silicone fluid leakage around fan clutch bearing assembly. Small leakage will not normally affect operation.

If silicone fluid leakage appears excessive, replace fan clutch. (See TM 9-2320-289-20)

Start engine, allow to reach operating temperature, then shut off, Carefully feel radiator from right side to left side. Radiator should be warm on right side and hot on left side, with an even temperature rise from right to left. Cold spots indicate restrictions. Repair or replace radiator if there are any restrictions. (See TM 9-2320-289-20 and TM 750-254)

[ 12-09-2003, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: britannic ]

12-09-2003, 23:48
Thank you guys, WHATNOT: i'm using the serpentine belt, and the water pump is the one that used to be on this engine, maybe that could be my heat problem,i did not used the fan of my 84, i think is the one that was on the 6.5 originally i'm not sure,i need more help on my accelerator cable assambley.
BRITANIC: this is the way the fan is blowing air, agaist the engine, but like i said before;i let the engine get warm, turn the fan over and over for about more than 5 times stil turns as many times as i do it, it feels a little stuck but it does not stop, it just turns and turns only by hand, if any one has pictures or have done this kind of upgrade(from 6.2 to a 6.5 95 or so) engine upgrade, can you guys tell about the throtle set up? thank you again.

1984 Sierra Classic now with 6.5 td and turbo master

12-10-2003, 07:26
Which way does your fan and water pump turn - should be clockwise for the 6.2L water pump to work properly.

12-10-2003, 08:59
Hi BRITANIC:my fan turns from driver to pasanger,is that the way it supossed to be on the 6.5's? thank you.

1984 Sierra Classic pick up, now with 6.5 td and turbo master.

More Power
12-10-2003, 10:14
Those using a V-belt system must use a 6.2L V-belt water pump. Those using a serpentine belt system must use a 6.5 water pump.

Otherwise, the w-pump will be spinning the wrong direction, and chronic overheating will be the result.


12-10-2003, 11:55
Originally posted by panchosteam:
Hi BRITANIC:my fan turns from driver to pasanger,is that the way it supossed to be on the 6.5's? thank you.

1984 Sierra Classic pick up, now with 6.5 td and turbo master. It's going the wrong way if you used the 6.2L water pump and fan - I'm assuming you're saying counterclockwise when viewed from the front of the vehicle?

12-10-2003, 22:11
Is it actually boiling or is the gauge just reading high?
If just the gauge, maybe the gauge or sending unit is bad or a bad ground.

C.K. Piquup
12-11-2003, 03:04
If all this water pump/fan stuff checks out,then see what boost you are making w/turbo-master.Do you have a pyrometer?About your throttle.Cable/pedal assembly should work from your body style truck.Your truck was originally a 6.2?The injector pump didn`t change the first couple years of 6.5TD(mech/DB2).Won`t it just hook up?