View Full Version : Smoke with juice

09-09-2002, 22:53
How much smoke have ya'll noticed with the juice. Mine smokes terrible with the dual straight pipe. I have soot black as coal on both sides of my truck. It smokes anytime I kick it, or anytime I ride it in overdrive. Truck runs perfect, fast as can be and I get 20 mpg. I like smoke, but is this normal. Hope it is smile.gif h

09-10-2002, 00:32
Mine does it, and I absolutely LOVE it!!!

Tree huggers be durned!!! tongue.gif


Depending upon the revision level of the Juice, the amount of smoke varies. I'm running 3.5.

09-10-2002, 03:43
3.5 ... stock exhaust ... no film on vehicle ... am told by folks in trail vehicle that she smokes when punched but have never seen it from the cab ... Jim

09-10-2002, 04:38
My version 3.5 smokes under acceleration in level 2-4. It isn't a black cloud but you can see it in daylight.

09-10-2002, 08:44
I have 3.61 and it smokes like hell love it!!! :D

09-10-2002, 11:10
Yep, 3.61C here...smokes too (esp. on level 4, my fave), but I sure don't notice it on this black truck...yet another reason to love that sexy black paint! tongue.gif

09-10-2002, 16:15
I have the latest version (as of a couple weeks ago) from Kennedy. I get a little puff of smoke when first hit it, but it quickly goes away.


09-11-2002, 19:55
I am runnning the 4.0 version in my '03 Duramax, and it makes a definite puff of black smoke when the throttle is punched. It can easily be seen in the side view mirror during daylight hours. This is just right, any more smoke and I would be less happy with it. No sense in tipping your hand, so to speak ;)


09-11-2002, 20:35
Boy talk about smoke,when the pcm is on race mode and the maximizer is up,she pours black smoke...I love it.

09-11-2002, 20:47
What is the EGT???

FWIW, mine will sometimes smoke like a locomotive on initial acceleration, but this QUICKLY clears to non existent once the turbo is running strong. Tough Guy or MP could comment more on how much it smoked under HEAVY load.

I have a pretty good idea that we need to change some clearances in the mod turbo, and most of this will go away. The smoke at the onset was less with the stocker, but more up top.

I still say "Never let them see you sweat"

09-11-2002, 21:14
kennedy I have yet to hook up my egt so I wont be doing much more sustained runs on the 168Hp setting yet till I get my gauge in. The smoke is thick only on the 168 mode but the 120 mode it does like your just one good puff then it gone.

09-11-2002, 21:43
Dollars to donuts if you hook the SPA thin probe up you'll see 1700