View Full Version : Duramaximizer vs. Edge Juice/EZ AMP

George Gozelski
06-06-2002, 17:29
Okay, here we go! I can't get a straight answer from anybody regarding the two previously mentioned boxes, especially from B.D. Performance. J.K. you out there? You are about the only person that can give it to us straight!
Anyway, I'm thinking of purchasing the EZ/AMP or the Duramaximizer. I've read more bad about the EZ AMP than the Duramaximizer. I understand the Duramaximizer people are going to change their box to read the tranny shift points instead of the APP (accelerator pedal position). Do you really have to go through all of that "Tow/Haul" flip flop settings for adjustment with the EZ AMP? If so, that doesn't sound like a good plan to me! Anyway, I don't mean to step on anyones toe's or bash anyone's product, but can somebody just give it to me straight?

06-06-2002, 17:42
You dont expect me to answer that do you?

Remaining neutral here, I'll say both have their advantages. The major weakness with the Maximizer is the APP referencing/cruise control issue, and that is in the works. Not sure about that "read transmission" mumbo jumbo though :confused:

The Juice/AMP is very user friendly for mode selection. Not as easy as turning a knob, but easy nonetheless...

I'll be putting my Dmax through it's paces beginning tonight through the weekend!

[ 06-06-2002: Message edited by: kennedy ]</p>

06-06-2002, 18:43
they are coming out with a new duramaximizer that will work durung cruise control.

06-06-2002, 19:06
I've towed at 18,000 with my Edge. Actually used setting 3, with 2 set up in tow haul. Eliminated the 5-4 downshifts (even running only 55 - way off the torque curve). EGT max was 750, post turbo. Hills were either long and not too steep, or steep and short. I haven't tried the Duramaximizer, but as it raises fuel pressure, I consider it unsuited for my application. I actually prefer the way settings are with the Edge - no one can screw around with the dial.

06-07-2002, 05:39
Not only can nobody screw around with it, nobody would think that your running your truck modified!! They would have to look under the hood to see any mods. Also you have your choice of 2 settings at any given time!! IMHO, I think the juice is the best out there now !!

06-07-2002, 08:12
I am using both on my truck right now. I have had the maximiser for about 6 months and have never had a code set with it. It does boost power noticably. It is very easy to adjust on or off. THe main thing I find that it lacks is it keeps the slow 0 to 15 mph acceleration found in the duramax deisel engine. THe edge box delivers much quicker response from 0 mph on up. Overall the edge performs better throughout the rpm range. You do see a little black smoke on occasion with the edge box. I have never seen that with the duramaximiser. With the edge box set on 2 and the maximiser dialed up to 1/2 the truck runs really strong without any undo stress on the engine that you can hear. I have also noted that the when getting on the engine with the edge box your egt runs about 100 degrees cooler than when doing the same thing with duramaxiser. THe most I have seen with either running empty is about 700 degrees. Neither box has affected the mileage at all. If anything I think it is slightly better with the edge box on my pickup. I usually run the edge at the #2 setting and dial up the maximiser only when needed now.

06-07-2002, 08:32
I've owned everything but a Maximiser- Plug, VA Box and Juice. I am still debating which one to put on ebay- I haven't towed with the Juice yet. I've towed with the VA set on 35hp level and it was great. No smoke from VA at all. Juice smokes a little, but who cares. When I had my Ford I wanted it to smoke. Honestly, I cannot tell a difference in power between the VA and the Juice, both are impressive.

Kennedy, what ever happened to the 120hp update the VA box was suppose to get?

George Gozelski
06-07-2002, 16:32
Oh I forgot! J.K. is a B.D. sponsor so he won't comment on their products! I did some more homework and I believe the Duramaximizer is the best BOX out there. So, I ordered a "NEW MODEL", one that will work with the Allison in overdrive. No smoking, pinging, fishbiting or stalling during a heavy rain for me!