View Full Version : BUSTED !!!!!!!!!!!

09-05-2002, 20:00
Well I'm poised to be walking by spring .......Seems I have a MONKEY on my back and I can't shake it .......Monday mourning got nailed by a sheriff Duramaxing the mighty grades of 89 north deep in the Green Mountains......By the time I stomped on the binders he got me a mear 73 in a 55 laser never a buzz or a chirp from my Bel that POS.......That makes three in 8 months and I'm heading to be retrained at the local DMV sponsored classes at a $125 bucks for four hours......SOB......Ticket is cheap compared to CT,$128.50......I don't think it helped when the officer strolled up and was staring at them gauges either to cut me some slack.......

All cops and DMV personal stop reading NOW ........Has any one heard of this scam? Or not a scam.......I have read that if you get an infraction such as this and you over pay by say 20 bucks they have to send you a refund and if you never cash the check the file stays open and doesn't reach DMV......Make sence?May hold off as long as the check is valid thru, if it's printed on check... Might give it a chance to see if it holds off the wolves .....

I'm really screwed here cause I can't get another moving violation till Dec of 04 I'm toast...... :(

I'm thinking of driving a bolt up through the floor board as a stop to eliminate throttle travel......Either that or let the wife drive..... :eek:

Got good Juiced fuel econo up running hard (pre ticket) 75 ++++ all the way 15.6 nothing but bodies and tons of luggage......Way back lots of cruise and within the 10 mph cushion (aft ticket) all most broke the 17 mph bracket.....I consider this good because there was some city thrashing mixed in......

Well, that's it for me no more chances,( I have to keep telling myself this)ya right, except for around home town as I know most of the local enforcers ......



[ 09-05-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

09-05-2002, 20:06
I have a buddie in Michian that got a ticket in a construction zone..He over payed the ticket, like mixing 2 of the numbers around, so it looked inoccent..They sent him a refund check and he never cashed it..they sent him a letter telling him that they needed him to cash the check so they could close the file...He bought some time that way..He still got the ticket..Might be worth a try.

All states are different..Florida doesn`t send traffic info to Illinois..don`t ask how I know.. smile.gif

09-05-2002, 20:29
Some states don't have reciprocation agreements. Sometimes when they stop you and ticket you, they look up your state. If yours doesn't reciprocate with theirs, they want the money on the spot.

I got two tickets in Jersey about 12 years ago. I never paid. Never had a problem. I believe there is a satute of limitations on it?


Was it in your stste?

For years I used to keep two licenses. DE and PA. No longer do it but I used to switch when I ruined my rep in one state. Back and forth every three or four years.

I was real bad way back. In my lifetime I have had a total of 8 years suspension.

Haven't had a problem in 12 years though.

09-05-2002, 20:35
Hey Mac, how about finding an old Isuzu PUP. You would still be driving an Isuzu diesel and you would be going significantly slower. :D

Are there any Outlet stores near You? Any shoe stores? :D Get some of those "Boots that were made for walkin'"

The only thing that is worse than the fines is the insurance surcharges. I guess that I shouldn't pick on you too much since many of us are throwing stones from our own glass houses. I did recently B.S. my was out of around 3 tickets from a neighboring town. Smart Ass answers worked this time and no bracelets.

Good luck with your "situation"


[ 09-05-2002: Message edited by: IndigoDually ]</p>

09-05-2002, 20:40
hoot ,

Nah it was Vermont and they are in a sister hood with CT and WILL report it ......There is a tri state thingamabob going on in addition to catch illegal registered cars out of states that reside in another state to avoid local taxes......Ya I got snagged in that too, a year ago...Didn't cost me nothing but my Green Mountain MAC 1 plates .......


Paintdude I'm gonna try it .......

09-05-2002, 21:05
Hey Mackin, As a fellow Dmax'er I am here to help you out. Just send me your juice box and I'll keep it in a very safe place (under my hood) :D tongue.gif until you get past your "probation" period with your insurance company.

Just consider is a form of free therapy for that heavy right foot of yours. :eek:

Heck, it's only till December 04 tongue.gif :D ;)

[ 09-05-2002: Message edited by: Searay90 ]</p>

09-05-2002, 21:12
Sorry to hear that news. I was watching a program recently, and it backed up what I've heard...if you go to the court, there is a good chance the cop won't show and they'll throw it out.
At the very least, you'll have a better chance of getting the ticket reduced, say to court costs with no points, if lucky. Having priors will make it more difficult, but paying outright is always gonna kill ya. You'll never get worse by going to the court.
Good luck keeping out of the crosshairs.

09-05-2002, 21:42

If you want to go thru it, and spend some coin, you may get out of it. I got an infraction years back for driving on a sidewalk and evading resposiblity....light was red, real long line....drove down an empty sidewalk....passed a cop in traffic waiting in line for the light....tried to ditch him....got caught....he was really mad :mad: :mad: :mad: .

Anyway, I plead NOT GIULTY :eek: , I hired an attorney, he filed to appear with me....day of the trial he calls and says he has a prior court commitment due to a change for a criminal trial he is on...he asked for a postponement. I think lawyers can do this alot 'cause he did it three times which bought me about 6-7 months IIRC.

Anyway we finally go to court ( CT Court )and he wastes the judge's time and goes thru a lot of B.S. makes everyone really mad in court because now they have no time left to hear any of the other cases and this is the 4th time the cop is in court for the case. :rolleyes:

In the end my lawyer made such a big deal about everything and wasted some serious court time, so much that we were going to demand a trial by jury, yes you have that right ( at least we used to ). The judge threw it out.

He knew that if I was ponying up some serious $$$$$ for a lawyer that I was serious about beating it, just ain't worth it for a couple hundred $$$$ to get a person for a small time infraction.

If all else fails try to get it knocked down to a non-moving violation and offer to make a donation to the court or charity or something. I know in NEW YORK they will make all kinds of deals with you to get the money.

Hope you beat it!!! ;)



Vette Racer
09-05-2002, 22:47

With all the goings on due to 9/11 and the advent of the Duramax you might want to plead temporary insanity do to more power than you knew what to do with and a total overload of your mind for the last few months. A few comments about the juice and propane might just put you over the edge. Think about the possibilities!

09-06-2002, 05:24
Mac, too bad brother. Gotta be careful in VT.
Few years ago I had the same problem. Going to Haystack for snocross races on a friday afternoon. You know Rt. 7 out of Troy, NY??? 2-lanes, no passing zones, tons of traffic etc...
Anyway, about 2 miles from our motel, coming downhill, just got free from the LosAngeles-like traffic.....NAILED 75 in a 50. $130 ticket, mailed it in as soon as I got home since I felt lucky that the fine State Trooper didn't see the open 12-pack and several open cans. :D :D :D

09-06-2002, 05:36
Interesting this topic just came up "overpaying a ticket to avoid insurance surcharge".

My wife recently showed up on Shannon O'Brien's (Mass state treasurer) list for missing money, so we went online and checked at www.missingmoney.com. Hey what do you know, I'm there too. Filed the claim and it turns out it is a check for $3.75 from the state of NH for a speeding ticket I got 2 yrs ago and did the overpay trick. (I moved shortly after writing that check). I checked my driving record yesterday and no surcharge!...so I guess it works!

Silver Bullet
09-06-2002, 08:13
Can you beat 69 in a 45...work zone, workers present (I never saw 'em...I think they were taking a siesta!)? $311 fine...no defensive driving and no deferred adjudication! One call to a lawyer...$65 to the lawyer, $100+ court cost, and a couple months probation...BAM!!! It was all done and only took 7-8 months and 15 minutes at the lawyers office!!!

You can loan me the JUICE until Dec. 04 as part of your rehab!!!! :D

Almost forgot...it might be time to upgrade your hardware...Valentine-1...'nuff said! (valentine1.com)

09-06-2002, 09:16
Amen on the V1...

I've lost count as to how many tickets that little marvel has saved me from (although I do remember three distinct V1 laser hits while driving in Houston...those guys are serious there! :rolleyes: )

You know, I took the juice off my truck two weeks ago for warranty work and have not yet replaced it...and low and behold, I've found myself driving the speed limit, no "hot-dogging" (hey, does the Juice somehow communicate telepathically with the driver or something? ;) ....yep, I'm sure susceptible to that subliminal whisper "you must punch it...you must punch it...you must punch it..." :D )

Good luck Mac!

09-06-2002, 09:45
[ 09-12-2002: Message edited by: NutNbutGMC ]</p>

09-06-2002, 12:07
Silver Bullet,

I shouldn't be bragging but,Ya..It was my second in this series of three, 67 in a 35 uphill mind you,I reported it here.......Cop in a small town near me was shooting radar down hill spotted me coming like a train and "clocked" me...Automatic court appearance no mail in fine......First ticket 71 in a 55 I got I also went to court but not mandatory as my second one..They way it works here (CT) if you pay the ticket no points are accessed .. If you chose to appear the prosecutor will offer you a deal of a reduced fine NO NEGOTIATION see the Judge......The 67 in a 35 cost me $75 bucks the other ticket was reduced from $290 to $100 bucks......But I got the points on both.....

I was told in Vermont most cops show for they have nothing better to do......This was a Sheriff so you know he'll be there..... I'm concerned that if I fight it, the will drag in my priors ya see I'm a repeat offender ......Three strikes I'm out.....LOL

Silver Bullet,

Sixty-five bucks for a lawyer ??? I can't get mine on the phone for less then $75.......
(valentine1.com)=&gt;Is definitely in my future.......

Vette Racer,
I like the temporary insanity plea on the 9/11 issue......Not sure if I want to save it for later tho.......Ya never know.....


I've traveled those routes in VT all my life, never got a ticket always the other guy...Not this time....If I go to NY I usually cross on the fairy in South Hero, VT........

IndigoDually ,

OUCH .......

I got to see what my buddy NutNbutGMC got to offer me, hopefully good news or I'll just try the old $148.50 on a $128.50 ticket see what happens.......


I'm not giving up the JUICE I'd rather be sent to the "pokie" first...... :eek:

[ 09-06-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

09-06-2002, 12:42

How can you slam the go pedal without the V1!! I used to get nailed all the time with my sub-standard Radar Locators! That V1 is a life saver. Saved my tail 3 times yesterday. Po-po was running speed traps on a main road down here at different spots for 4 miles! Make sure if you get one you get the current version. many being sold on ebay (like my old one smile.gif are the older revisions and don't work as well!

I actaully think you should send me your Juice, as I'm Juice-less and still waiting for Banks to realease their Ottomind! i'll be vising them in So Cal on monday to get my monster exhaust! was thinking about paying TTS a visit too....

Good luck with the court...I'd get a lawyer and let him take care of it for you. Sometimes they are useful...sometimes!.. (No offense to any DP lawyers)..


09-06-2002, 13:55
Ouch, Mac! :eek:

Does this mean when I come out there to meet you for drinks, I gotta do all the driving? It's gonna cost ya an extra drink!

Gotta get a V1, they're a lifesaver! Don't ask the Boss, just click on over to the Valentine site and you'll have it by Tues. Then move out here to CA. We may have some tree huggin' bunny lovers, but most times the traffic moves at 75-85mph.

I have never heard of the overpayment trick. Hope it works. Before getting the V1, I usually beat it by showing up for court. If the cop showed and I lost, then I took traffic school, wiping it off.

In '96 I got nailed decelerating in the Mustang from 125mph down to 115mph, that's when the CHP saw me from the overpass. He finally caught up and asked if I knew why he pulled me over. I told him I thought he wanted a closer look at the great lookin' Stang. He busted up laughing. He asked me why it took him 4.5mi to catch up. I told him his car was slow. He didn't laugh so hard that time. I had a brand new insurance card at home, but had the expired one on me. We chatted a bit and he made sure I knew he was supposed to haul me in and impound the car. He just wrote a ticket for 95+ in a 65 zone and no insurance. Total fine was $1,475.

I went to court, showed the insurance card and the fine was reduced to $75. Because I'm not a menace to society, like somebody I know. :D

Hey, I hope big brother doesn't have any video of you laying down double paint stripes all over town... we might have to take up a collection to get you internet access in the pokey... 'cuz Johnny Cochran is probably busy. How does it go.. "My client wasn't speedin', he was just leadin'!" ;)

Regards, Steve

09-06-2002, 14:53
Mack... :eek: and :eek: again....take it from a person with all toooo much experience in this area, spend the money and pay the lawyer ... if/when you have to write a check, then try the overpay .... if the check deal works, the combination could easily buy you a considerable amount of time .... just a thought, instead of a bolt, might want to try putting an egg under your foot....hope to see you in Cornwall....Jim

09-06-2002, 17:36
Here's my fun: First one- 110mph in a 55 with eluiding and maditory 1 suspended license. Walked in and talked to the DA. Got it reduced to Reckless only. The real kicker was the Insurance Co. at work was the same as my personal. They looked into where I worked and forbid my employer to allow me to drive any of the company trucks.

#2--Got caught driving on a suspended license for failing to pay a speeding ticket in WV. Didn't go to jail, just required my wife to come pick me up. Failed to call for court date. Arrest warrent issued. Tried to get a court date in lieu of going to jail. NOPE, no go. Attorney is required for this one. It cost $500 to retain but it kept me out of jail and he appeared in Court for me for an extension. Finally, got my a$$ in court with a plea of NO CONTEST and pay only for court cost. Nothing went on my record as the D.W.L.S goes and stayed out jail.

Yep.. I'm a good boy right now. I got a letter in mail saying that I could lose my license if I don't keep my points below 18 in 18 months. But at least I'm driving my DMax.

PS.. There are many more but these are just the current ones. LOL

09-06-2002, 18:30
Well Mac , if your coming to Diesel gettogether watch it in Kent on rt 7 and on rt 4. They have a campaigh going on cause too many accidents.Funny, they don't seem to run it on Sundays when all the
"tourists" are around. Hey all You ct guys , haven't seen many of you register for the gettogether !

09-06-2002, 18:51
tonkater ,

Not registered??????

Just kidding been busy and wifey had other commitments coming up and was waiting to see if it was going to interfere, and it will, so I'm flying solo.....She'll be home with BAIL money at some point if needed......
Cops on route 7 will be good ,give my "new" your "Caught" $400 dollar "detector" a work out.......


09-06-2002, 22:34
I knew you'd make it MAC but seems lots who posted as wanting the event never pre registered or registered YET !

Maybe they will come next year when they hear we had a great time.


hhhhmmmm ..... Connecticut Owners Group ??

09-06-2002, 22:36
I knew you'd make it MAC but seems lots who posted as wanting the event never pre registered or registered YET !

Maybe they will come next year when they hear we had a great time.


hhhhmmmm ..... Connecticut Owners Group ??

09-07-2002, 08:12
I'm just curious about this "points" system you guys have mentioned as it applies to your driving record. We don't have anything like that in Texas (at least that I'm aware of)...how does it work? Is this a yearly alottment of points or what? Are there escalating penalties based on points, or do they just jerk your DL? Yikes!

It's interesting how different states handle their respective driving codes...

09-07-2002, 08:52
DMAXDiva ,

They way it use to work and sorta still does depending on what you do with the Minor driving infractions you get.....Speeding,stop sign, red lights,etc.

The big boys, reckless driving and such carry a big bounty.....Automatic court and points.....

All mail in infractions are not assigned points if you mail in payment plead guilty....If you chose to go to court to get a reduced fine points will be accessed.....CT has a 10 point system..Depending on speed most are 1 point infractions, you reach 9 points warning sent , 10 points suspension of driving privilege....

I could careless about all the points and repercussion of the insurance industry but it them dam stupid classes .....

When CT adopted this policy and whomever came up with it should be $%^%&&&*^^$%.....

The point is this I got a ticket May 01, Dec. 01, Sept 02.....Second ticket warning letter issued, third offense go to class letter.... Takes three years for a speeding ticket to come off record .....Hypothetically speaking, probably reality:So if I get a ticket after May 04 I go to class automatic,if I make it to Dec 04 and I get a ticket, I'll get another warning letter stating get another moving violation you will attend classes....So I got to go to Sept 05 to be in the clear ......That's a LONG time .... My daughter will be a Sophomore in HS, dating, driving, and I'll still be on probation...WTF.......How am I gonna tell my daughter you can't get in his car?Yea right DAD your the one that can't keep your GO PEDDLE off the CARPET!!!!!!

This law suxs,murders, drug dealers aren't dealt this punishment, most are free and clear under a technicality .....They actually give people licenses that can't even speak English here..They take the test in Spanish .......All the road signs are in English, we live in a very liberal, special interest, cater to the votes society....The hard working tax paying individuals, like me have to suffer in the policy makers decisions that I didn't elect in the first place. Sorry for the RANT.......I am aware we can't live in a lawless society but ,COME-ON, this is ridiculous.....I'm going speeding .....FTW,and FTDMV especially......

MAC :eek:

[ 09-07-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

09-07-2002, 09:16
Is the V1 really that good? I have always avoided detectors because nearly everyone I see with one goes slower (false positives?) I know I pass people with them all the time here in New England.
I hit the Rev Limiter Weekly on the interstate, Sometimes both going and coming home from work.
Generally people are so paranoid about getting tickets you can see everyone hit the brakes when they see the cop 3/4 of a mile ahead of you.

The differences from State to State are amazing. Here I can fly down the interstate (or be blown off the road) but need to take care on back/secondary roads. For the 10 years I lived in NC they would not even consistantly give you 10 over on the Highway. BUT, out in the country on the back roads many of the towns were too small for Police, and the Staties were not to be seen. There was always the local Sheriff, but you VOTE for them. So if you had an in-state plate they NEVER gave any speeding or other types of tickets. Believe me, I passed many at 90mph in 45mph zones and saw no response. Even when you play dukes of hazzards on the gravel roads they do not care if you do not fly off the road and ruin someones crops....

The freedom on the back roads was fun, but I like the high speed interstates better.

09-07-2002, 12:07
SledZep....what part of NC did you come from--- I need to move there .... here in Wake County every type of machine with a blue light on top seems to be in competition to see who can give the most tickets .... have seen both highway patrole and sherriff's deputies give tickets within the Raleigh city limits this week...Jim :confused:

09-07-2002, 17:11
Guys, it's all about revenue!! They found a legit(legally speaking) source of money and it's a cash cow. I got busted in WV doing 68 in a 50 on a four lane divided highway. For Gawd sakes, it's was Interstate quality road. The real kicker was that it was 65 right up to the point then dropped to 50 on a downhill run and continued for 10 miles. ARGH!!!

DmaxDiva, points in FL are handed out by the violation. Below is how there handed out here:

accident resulting in property damage of more than $50 6
Unlawful speed resulting in an accident 6
Reckless driving 4
Any moving violation resulting in an accident 4
Passing a stopped school bus 4
Driving During Restricted Hours 3
Unlawful speed - 16 MPH or more over lawful or posted speed 4
Unlawful speed - 15 MPH or less over lawful or posted speed 3
(Fines are doubled when infractions occur within a school zone or construction zone, with possible civil penalties up to $1,000 and can be required to complete driving school course.)
All other moving violations (including parking on highway outside the limits of municipalities) 3
Improper equipment or vehicle in an unsafe condition 2
(Operator corrects defects within 10 days from the date the traffic citation was issued) 0
Violation of curfew 3
Open Container as an operator 3
Child Restraint Violation 3
*The driver receives the same number of points listed if the conviction occurs out-of-state or in a federal court.

length of suspension
12 points within a 12-month period 30 days
18 points within an 18-month period,
including points which cause suspension under line 1 above 3 months
24 points within a 36-month period,
including points which cause suspension under line 2 above 1 year


09-07-2002, 18:28
Guys, it's all about revenue!
__________________________________________________ __________________

This thread is all about Mackin getting his record clean. :rolleyes:

Keep your foot out of it Mack Daddy. Send the juice box to me and definitely drill the hole. :D

09-07-2002, 20:46
This is my humble way of helping Mackin feel like he's not alone!! Consider it group counseling :D

09-08-2002, 06:02
JEBar, Wake county in near Raleigh is no good. I did live right there off of route 1? behind the Saturn dealer north of town.
The open driving was where we first lived when we arrived in NC. Wilton and surrounding areas in Granville county. Up there you know who the sherrif is...
To give you an idea of what I am talking about I regularly saw LOADED logging trucks going 80 or 90mph on 45mph 2 lane roads (1 each way . I once had a can of soda sucked out of my hand by the draft behind one. My windows were wide open and I was going around 85 when we passed each other. I was expecting to be tugged a little towards his lane but it scared the $hlT out of me when that can in my hand resting on the top of the open window was sucked right out of my hand!

If you go there ask where the "hurricans" are. noone will tell you, but all of the locals refer to themselves as living "right on the edge of the hurricans" It was/is a famous moonshine district and when you are standing in the middle of it everyone tells you you are just about at the edge.
$2 and a mason jar will get you some behind the cemetary....

09-08-2002, 10:54
Yes the V1 is that good!! :D :D I've had mine since 1999 and it has paid for itself 100 times over. I had a 99 pontiac formula (capable of 159mph before hitting the speed limiter), before trading it off for my D/A. That little black box is the best thing on the market. It not only tells you what type of radar/laser is hitting you, it tells you how many!! signals are hitting you and what direction they are coming from. It's great to detect speed traps where they are using more than one radar to track you. You know the type where one guy is sitting on the road real obvious, so you slow down for him. Then about a mile up the road is another one hiding. You pass the first guy, and then speed back up and the second guy nabs you!. without a V1 you don't know that you are being tracked by two radars, and that one is now behind you and one ahead of you.

The guy that owns and designs the V1 is none other than the guy that started the whole business with the Escort radar detector 20 years ago.

09-08-2002, 14:56
10-4 Sled...appreciate the info...are you coming down to Cornwall the last of this month? If so hope to get a chance to meet you then...Jim

09-10-2002, 14:42

You have not lived until you can outrun the Radio!

ha ha ha LOL!!!!!!!!!!

I think they may still be looking for me in 6 states, but I dont drive that same car anymore...

If there was a Speeder's Hall of Flame...uhh I mean Fame....then I am sure I would be in there (about 3 feet of the ground and in all the way to be back window).

I'am a little more mellow now in my old age, my last one in May '02 was only for 85 in a 50. Cop was funny, he said "I first had you on radar at 82 mph, but didn't lock you in because you was still acceleratin" he was a funny guy!!!!!

I still hold the record for the maximum fine ever levied in the State of Maryland and that was in 1965!!!!!!!!

Crazy kid, but I am feeling a lot better now!!!!

I want a juice bad, but it's illegal for me to have one. It's kinda an ATF settlement agreement thingy.

Actually, I was running some of the backroads in NC on Sunday, kinda a nostalia thing down around Hertford and Elizabeth City. By the way Rental cars don't run worth crap!!! Back home in DMAXLAND now!

Sure wish I had the DMAX in 1965, I'd still be going!! ha ha ha LOL

09-10-2002, 23:25
Well OK maybe I exaggerated a little there with the Maryland thing and the ATF thing, I am sure there have been bigger fines since then and no body runs the homebrew anymore anyway so what the hey!

As long as there is metal under the pedal, they are going to meet, maybe just once in a while or everyday, but it is gonna happen to everyone. Some of us get hooked and use every opportunity to see if we can punch through that old firewall!!! ha ha lol

I don't know what to tell ya, but if you keep it up you will have to do what I had to do.....move to another State and start over ha ha ha lol

Moving cost about the same as staying once you max out the point system and all the cops and judges know you by your first name. If it was Bubba and you were somewhere South of your present location, the name might buy you some more time LOL

Once I "burn" out my welcome everywhere else, I am going to retire and settle in Montana, no speed limits, just ecology fines for burning too much fuel, $5.00 ticket. Man that place must be heaven. Only problem is all the accidents are 100% fatal....wonder why.

I don't know how to help you unless you are will to go to AAA meetings and announce that you are "on the juice" and damn proud of it! LOL

Well good luck anyway.

R Waller
09-11-2002, 06:05
urban legend,

All cops and DMV personal stop reading NOW ........Has any one heard of this scam? Or not a scam.......I have read that if you get an infraction such as this and you over pay by say 20 bucks they have to send you a refund and if you never cash the check the file stays open and doesn't reach DMV......Make sence?May hold off as long as the check is valid thru, if it's printed on check... Might give it a chance to see if it holds off the wolves .....

Diesel Dog
09-11-2002, 10:10
If you depend on any kind of detector to avoid tickets, you have a false sense of security. You may avoid some, but the false sense of security normally leads to increased speads. With laser,vascar, and aerial speed enforcement, not to mention pacing, it's just a mater of time if you rely on an electronic gizmo. Every state is different as far as the point system goes and in sharing of info.
As far as Virginia goes, there are only 6 states which don't share info on tickets. Speeds of 90+ mph result in automatic trip to jail on the spot (usually) as well as impounding of vehicle. As far as missing court, where I work we don't, as we get disciplined strongly for it.
As for overpayment, probably depends on jurisdiction. I say go for it. I've seen too many true bad guys get off on bs technicalities, might as well see some decent folk get the benefit as well.
Also, attorneys around my parts have been fighting laser tickets vigerously, a couple liberal judges here and there have thrown them out on occasion. You are generally best off to show to court anyhow, but that doesn't apply with the overpayment scam I guess.

09-11-2002, 10:34
So you're implying that an inveterate scofflaw, chronic speeder and menace to society such as Mac is actually "good folk"? Hmmmmm... I'll have to think about THAT one. ;) Talk about shifting one's paradigm. :D

On the subject of radar/laser detectors, I agree with you, one should not rely on them to protect one's wallet from the technologically advanced extortion that the states are engaged in called revenue generation. In my mind, when escalating fines and loss of privileges are used as leverage, it's no longer law enforcement but purely a source of revenue.

Like anything else, moderation, common sense and a keen awareness of one's surroundings does more for me than a detector alone could. It's just a tool to monitor the radar environment. The situations where the detector becomes most useful is in speed traps where the limit drops from 40mph to 25 for no reason, other than revenue. It's gratifying to detect the radar gun 1-2 blocks away and slow down to 25 right before the speed limit sign. The look of disgust as they lower the gun is priceless.

As the old ESM saying goes, "In God we trust, all others we track!" :D

Regards, Steve

09-11-2002, 17:14
Ya I'm a menace ........ ;) But I think they are trying to make me achieve better fuel economy to lessen our burden on foreign oil.......One at a time I guess.......

Radar detecters are just that a hope of early warning .....No fool proof plan nor a license to speed....I'm just in a hurry, all the time.....

Thanks for wrecking my only hope R Waller but I knew I got to pay the piper at some point .... I'll take my lumps .......HE heee

The worst part of the hole deal is I was caught in a reduced speed zone...Just a setup to the circumstances,if any one has traveled the area,I figure I would bore you some more with my stupidity .....The area is 65 mph 90% of the highway this area in South Burlington Vt. it drops to 55 mph, and returns with in a short distance....The exit number is 15 is where I was snagged lots of weekly travelers and airport travel, it is a city area not rural but still interstate.....I was gunning for exit 17....So check this out, I got laser'd in between exit 15 and 16 @ 73 in a 55.....Cop was out of patrol car standing in a grassy center area with his car facing in the opposite direction south I was heading North...I truly believe he was monitoring south bound, but traffic was light, till I came along north, so I got his attention,lucky me.....As I flew by he was checking my front marker plate out, I was in right lane, I have no front plate but only my D-max plate.....There is approximately 3 to 4 miles in between exits 15 and 16......As I approached exit 16 , it was just past exit 15 when I was snagged, I was gonna ditch off as he was no where in site ......BUT NOOOOOO I kept going with the thought of additional charges of engaging in pursuit and all that mumble jumble that goes with it, hard to prove or disprove as I didn't increase speed, and I had wife and two kids with me, and I was in a BIG 'OLE truck..Who in the right mind would do that.....???? I truly thought he wasn't coming..... So the mile distance between exits 16 and 17 is 10 miles location Milton,Lake Champlain Islands Vt.....He caught me approximately ? miles from exit 17 ramp....SLOW POKE.....I traveled approximately 7 to 8 miles at 70 ish MPH before he showed, I truly believe.....Not sure if I'm gonna fight it or just pay and get it over with and learn my lesson to speed smarter (V1).... :D My cousin says fight it ( A Vt resident), as he (cop) lost sight of you and it could have been a different truck,ya right .....It really is a toss up.....Could cost me more if I loose I suppose.....Lets get a POLE going .......


Got till 20 ith of this month to decide........

Imagine this post is presented in court as evidence????HE HEEEEE But not in my favor..... :(

I do have a speeding record ...SOB .....Where is our forum lawyer??????


09-11-2002, 19:01

I guess that's why I live in northern Idaho and haven't had a speeding ticket in over 10 years - I just putter along at 9 mph over the speed limit and enjoy the scenery... And I'll be enjoying it that much more in a month or two!

Life's too short for 85mph up the freeway your whole life...

kerry witherspoon
09-11-2002, 19:03
So was it the same officer who rote you the ticket . or another buy a radio call long distance for him to turn around and catch you and was it you or another truck like yours.also im from canada your tickets i would be walking and wife would be driving d max

09-12-2002, 04:16

Same cop.......Traffic was very light I think I passed maybe 2 cars .....It was 10am in northern VT on Labor Day.....All the locals where still crossing COWS and gathering eggs,scrapping the cow chips off their boots ;) Travelers were sobering up for ride home......Unlike me I was in a fuzzy head condition, looking to get home.....


[ 09-12-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

09-12-2002, 08:10

My $.02 -------

In my experience (maybe 5 tickets in 17 year driving career) local town Judge always treated me pretty good. My approach has been "Yes sir, I'm guilty, used poor judgement at time of infraction, I have no excuse."

He always seems to like people who admit fault, willing to take their lumps. He has reduced the ticket to trivial crap with little on no fine every time for me.

Not as kind to whining a** complainers, blame the cop, late for something, speed trap etc... who always want a lawyer or plea bargain with the DA. I've seen him get mad at people when he doesn't buy their excuse. This is taking up HIS time, clogging the court schedule. I really believe THIS Judge just appreciates honesty.

For what it's worth, he used to be a cop himself, now retired. I don't know him personally, but he does seem to recognize me when I appear at court :rolleyes: Which probably isn't good

My last experience, year and a half ago, got nabbed late at night. $5,000 damage to my 2000 K2500 on it's side in a ditch :eek: Road wasn't where I thought it was.
Short version, a cop friend came and got me out of the back of patrol car :D :D :D :D :D (I love my cellphone)
And man I was GUILTY X 100!!! Anyway they gave me a unsafe turn ticket, went to court, Judge reduced it even farther, fail to stop I think? and NO fine. This is a small town, Judge must know cops, must have known what I REALLY was guilty of, and he reduced it anyway. I believe it's because I told him in as few words as possible, "Yes sir, I'm guilty as charged, whatever they said I did, I did it, no excuse."

I know that's pretty extreme, and I was VERY lucky. Hope every Judge I meet in the future is just like this guy.

Just wanted you to know what works for me. Hope your Judge treats you the same. smile.gif


Diesel Dog
09-12-2002, 13:46
I agree, being a cop myself. 9 times out of 10, if you take the time to show up, don't make excuses, acknowledge your guilt, judges reduce the charge and/or fine. Also, if your tires are larger than stock and your speedo wasn't re-calibrated, get it tested and notarized. If it's off some, you can plead guilty with explanation, show the proof of speedo, explain that you don't doubt your true speed, but offer that as evidence. Many times judges in my part change the charge to defective equipment, a non-moving violation. They like it even better if you show proof that you fixed it.
Fyi,the reason speed changes to 55 mph when entering populated areas is that fed's require it, it has to do with population density, increased ramps,traffic, blah,blah blah.

09-12-2002, 17:08
Small town justice I guess. Big city A$$h0le cops like in FL are bruttle. Got the info, first hand, that one speed trap is just that, A SPEED TRAP!! The only reason they don't increase speed on that section of road is summed up in one word "Revenue" The road doesn't change, the number of exits and on ramps dosen't change but they refuse to increase the speed to 65 on a 4 lane divided highway from 55 on the last leg of a 15 mile toll road. Ticket revenue is actually a line item in the budget here.

As for going in and pleading mercy is for the birds too. Making a deal with the DA saves the courts time, it doesn't waist it. I do believe that one should take responsibilty for his/her actions but sometimes the LAW doesn't make sense.

11-04-2002, 15:20
Well Mackin....what did you decide to do??

Fight or over-pay??? :eek:

Inquiring minds want to know? :confused:

11-04-2002, 17:12
Mackin I dont think any of your out of state tickets will show up in the CT dmv driveing record unless they where in a CDL truck???(over 26K) all of my CT ticket never counted in Ma???? just make sure you pay it before its due!!!!! or YOU WILL be trying on a NEW set to tennis shoes!!! Good luck !

11-04-2002, 17:14

I paid !!!!!! I got the canceled check back now I await SCHOOL date from CT....

I'm bringing my HELMS manual with me.....I figure I'll read that,,Unless they have films on accidents.....That May be interesting .....

Don't worry I'll be back preaching speed kills and be the biggest hypocrite known.......It will be my civil duty,to you guys and ladies.....I would have opted for community service if I had to chose....Escorting hookers around or something of that nature.....Doing my part for the community.....

MAC tongue.gif

11-04-2002, 17:32
Ah Mackin I spent the tormenting 3 or 4 hr class myself. DO have to say that I heard some really funny stories in that class. They asked each person their why they were there. Obviously from tickets. One kid total stoner was asked "Why are you here".....(response)"I had a kid in the bed of my truck.. so I started cutting the wheel left and right trying to get him to fly out"LMFAO. We were all in stitches bad. BUT Mackin there were PLENTY of hot chicks in the class though. :eek: :D ;)

11-04-2002, 17:41

Hot chicks any where are good.....It will help pass the time.....But better at the bar all gig'ly and falling into you......"OOPS, let me help you" ..... :D "Can I get you a drink" !!!!! LMAO ...... :D

I should know this month or first part of Dec if VT is tied in as expected with a tri state snafu.....