View Full Version : Stanadyne Performance Formula, or FPPF Total Power?????

James S
10-16-2003, 07:26
Hey There,

I am using Stanadyne Performance Formula, in my truck. Does that do as good a job as FPPF "Total Power"???? As I have said befor, I want to do the best for this truck to ensure it's longevity. I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada, where in the winter, we have nights of minus thirty degrees celcius, or minus twenty-eight ferenheight. It is in a garage MOST of the time, but is outside during the day, sometimes not plugged in, if I am on a job site. If our daytime temperature is minus thirty celcius, which it some times is, I want to use whatever will be best for in general year-round, but especially for cold winter days. I do not want to run in to starting problems. Will these additives help this? What do those "diesel-fired heaters" do? Is that the same as plugging in your truck? Thanks for all the clarification.


10-16-2003, 19:07
James, both are good, but only Stanadyne is recommended by GM as an approved additive. Go to the Stanadyne website to learn more. I think you'll find the article interesting. There is also a test between all of the popular additives that an independent lab did, and they found Stanadye to be the best overall. I don't think you'll go wrong with either one though...it's really all preference. Good luck!

10-16-2003, 19:53
FPPF "Total Power" is the better choice for all around protection and performance, water control and winter operation. Stanadyne is very good but it demulify the water in fuel, making corrosion and bacteria growth possible, and allowing demulsified water to freeze in winter.

10-19-2003, 15:14
I have used both since the truck was new, the price is the governing factor for me, as the price per liter (approx. 1 USA quart) in the Toronto area was $22Cdn for Stanadyne against $13.05Cdn for FPPF.

It works good luck

10-19-2003, 16:47
I would really like to know what stations people are buying fuel at that they get so much water. :eek:
When the temperature drops, maintain a full tank at the end of the day and you shouldn't have a problem with condensation. I've been using Stanadyne for years, with no problems. Of course, I buy at the same fuel stations all of the time. I've never gotten more than a pencil-point bead of water out of my fuel filter.
