View Full Version : Question for Kennedy

Max Power
10-15-2003, 15:34
I saw somewhere that you 'broke' tongue.gif someones top speed limiter with a tech II. Is this something that anyoen with a tech II can do? I assume you are setting it to show a higher speed rated tire? Can I get my dealer to do this for me? I am sure they would be willing if they had the know how.


One more question. Have you ever shipped fppf over the Canadian border? Any problems?

[ 10-15-2003, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Max Power ]

10-15-2003, 18:52
Yeah John, I wanna hear about this one too!!!
It cant be done as far as I know MaxP

10-16-2003, 02:33
The truck in question is mine. the speed gov was broke with a performance enhancer, not the Tech 2... sorry to burst your bubble.


Max Power
10-16-2003, 04:07
No bubble bursted. That is all I wanted to know. Now I need to get another box, then see suncoast. :rolleyes: