View Full Version : Gas pedal Problem

09-03-2002, 00:13
Once again I found my truck having a small glitch. Its seems like the accelerator pedal is not sending fuel signals to whatever, basically what I mean is there seems to be a drive by wire problem. I go down the road slow, touch the gas and boom nothing for a few seconds and then it is fine. I highly doubt its limp mode as both times it happening has been on extremely light acceleration. Its happened twice in a week on rainy days. Fuel filter was changed, no SES lights nothing, Its just like the pedal isnt sending signals for fuel, and then it works fine after coasting a bit. It seems like its what everyone has experienced Limp Mode, But im not beating on it, driving it like G-ma both times, Do you think its Juice related or a truck problem. In the past the pedal wouldnt reset the change oil light after repeated tries but has been fine for about 10 or 15 thousand miles. What should I look for?

09-03-2002, 09:30
I've noticed something similar to what you are describing. But it isn't a big deal to me.

It usually happend to me when I'm barely pressing the pedal AND as it is shifting to second. It pauses for a second and then takes off...all the while, I'm giving it the same pedal pressure.

[ 09-03-2002: Message edited by: RVGuy ]</p>

09-03-2002, 17:06
I had the same thing happen to me twice but only while running the juice. I described it here -&gt; http://forum.62-65-dieselpage.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic&f=3&t=003938

I was running version 3.2 when it happened. I've been running my dad's 3.6 while mine is off being upgraded and haven't had this happen again, but it hasn't rained either. With the 3.6 I do notice that if you're cruising along, take your foot off the pedal, and gently roll it back on, it will put out some pretty good smoke until the boost comes up.

09-05-2002, 20:20

Had an experience with a "GHOST" peddle myself coming home......Light rain running about 70 light to no pressure on peddle stepped down lightly to accelerate, nothing there just like you reached the speed limiter.......Same exact feeling......Nothing but a dead peddle ......Released and stepped on it twice and on the third time it worked as normal??????Beats me......

Did the filter correct your other issues?We discussed last Friday?