View Full Version : Well, got another tow to the dealer today.....

10-14-2003, 15:57
HEAVY black smoke pouring out, and the motor was shaking violently. Sounded like an injector was stuck open, or a broke valve spring. MO MONEY, MO MONEY, MO MONEY! :rolleyes:

This is the last straw boys, gotta get rid of it. It will be here in Tulsa for at least a week, so I guess I will rent a car to get back to Texas and fly back up here when it is ready. Only way I will keep her is if I get out of this bind spending less than $1500.

GM Smitty
10-14-2003, 16:11
How many miles on it now? You had injector problems before, right? How many did they replace?

I don't see anything in your sig about secondary fuel filtration. Are you just running OEM?

$1500 is still alot to spend on an engine that we already paid an extra $5000 for longevity. :(


10-14-2003, 17:19
Originally posted by Alli-max:

This is the last straw boys, gotta get rid of it. Shoulda taken a certain someone's advice a while back. There comes a point where a vehicle is over the hill and past it's prime, and it sounds like yours has aged prematurely to this point...

10-14-2003, 17:36
know what sucks? getting them injectors right now. Thats the bigger problem it seems.

10-14-2003, 19:07
Shoulda taken a certain someone's advice a while back. There comes a point where a vehicle is over the hill and past it's prime, and it sounds like yours has aged prematurely to this point...
I know, I know Jim (heehee).

As for the injectors, yes, had problems before along with everything from the tranny, head gasket, rear end, and now whatever is going on now. Will have more info in the morning, and hopefully it wont sting that bad.

Sad thing is, I stopped by a f0rd dealership and looked at an 02 crew. :eek: :(

Chris N5CWM
10-14-2003, 19:44
So, when's a good time to trade one in before injector problems start to occur?
Right about when the tires wear out?

That's about how long I keep a vehicle anyway it seems..about the time it needs new tires, I'm tradin' it in for something newer/different anyway!

10-14-2003, 20:27
well Chris, I wish I was that way.

I bought this vehicle for the long run. 131,000+ miles and its time for a new one? Nope, i wanted at LEAST 250K, and I'm only half way there!! I gotta think about a new truck, and then I have to take ALL THIS CRAP OUT OF IT!!! tongue.gif :eek:

10-15-2003, 06:03
Some times the dealer's fingers can do more harm than good. Being an early model doesn't help much either. Your experience is far from typical, but like I said, there comes a time...

10-23-2003, 18:18
Picking up the truck tomorrow... Total bill is $3,247.xx. Not to bad huh.

Did I mention.... I was wrong?? redface.gif It WAS THE FUEL!!! I had bad fuel with mucho water and dirt in it. The dealer was astonished with the amount of dirt in the tank and filter. He said the tech cut the filter open for the heck of it and it had CHUCKS of dirt. Amazing.

Good news? Yep. I got the entire fuel system flushed, new fuel filter, a few injectors, and it will be free.

The company I bought the fuel from is a big fuel company in Oklahoma called QT (Quicktime). If they have bad fuel, you get your repairs for free. Cant beat that.

The only thing I am paying for is the oil change. I was afraid of possibly getting some fuel in there, so I had the dealer to change it. Imagine that.... this is the FIRST time in the last 3 vehicles (about 375,000 miles worth) that I paid somebody to change my oil, and DAYUM it is expensive!

I will be happy to get rid of my beautiful rental car, a Chevy Cavelier painted burnt orange. I look like I am driving around an orange skittle. :rolleyes:

10-24-2003, 07:46
Good news?? I guess so, you lucked out with that fuel company.

This is pushing me a little closer to the edge on secondary filtration, alright, I'm already over the edge. Just gotta make the move.

Where do I get one of dem big filters :rolleyes:

I can sympathize with the little orange skittle.
Everyday I park the Dmax at work and hop down into the '98 Honda Civic CNG sardine box :(