View Full Version : Second Fuel Test Results

Lone Eagle
10-14-2003, 11:14
I just received the results of my second fuel test. They are considerably better than the first. I couldn't have gotten these results without the help of George and Joe at AV Lubricants and Alan Betker. AV Lubricants truly believe in customer satisfaction. Alan sent me the procedure he used to get his sample. I followed it as close as possible. I varied a little from his because of my mount location. I am a believer in " cleanliness is next to Godliness when taking the sample. George said: That just a gust of wind is enough to screw up a sample". I parked my truck in the garage over night with the doors shut to make sure the dust was settled. By the time I took the final sample, I had flushed 2+ gallons of fuel through the hoses and bottle. The extra work pays off. Later! Frank :D :D :D

Customer: Frank Blum
Date: 10/14/2003
Unit ID: 2500HD Post OEM Racor 2 micron Filter
Sample Date: 10/5/2003
Fuel Type: #2 Diesel
Lab No: 94743
Testing: Advanced Fuel Test

Cetane Index (D-976) 48.50 Acceptable (Min. 40)
Water (D-6304) 45 ppm Acceptable (Max 500ppm)
Water & Sediment (D-1796) <0.05% Acceptable (Max .05 % vol.)
ISO Cleanliness Code 13/11/9 Acceptable (Max . 20/19/15 - Target ->15/13/10)

>2 limit 10000
>5 limit 5000
>15 limit 320
>2 actual 42
>5 actual 11
>15 actual 2

10-14-2003, 14:33
I would say you have some clean fuel going to the engine . Better than target. I just installed the same filter but on the frame rail. Good to see all the good results ... ;)

10-14-2003, 16:38

Great results from your Racor 660 supplemental filter set-up. Looks like the Racor supplemental, whether Pre or Post OEM, produces great results.

Below are the results from the fuel sample that I took in August of this year on my Racor Pre-OEM set-up. It is amazing how close the fuel cleanliness results are.

We will need to get Bill (jbplock) to update the fuel analysis spreadsheet.



Date: 8/28/2003
Unit ID: Chey 2500 HD
Sample Date: 8/23/2003
Fuel Type: #2 Diesel
Lab No: 91169
Testing: Advanced Fuel Test

Cetane Index (D-976) 52.52
Water (D-6304) 51 ppm
Water & Sediment(D1796) 0.01%
ISO Cleanliness Code 13/11/8
API Gravity (D-287) 37.4
Distillation (D-86)
IBP 339 F Acceptable (Min.300F)
5% 390 F
50% 523 F
90% 616 F Acceptable (540-640F)
Endpoint 653 F
Return 98.0%

>2 limit 10000
>5 limit 5000
>15 limit 320
>2 actual 48
>5 actual 10
>15 actual 1

Limit = max number of particles allowed per milliliter to meet ISO 20/19/15. The target is ISO 15/13/10 which is 320/80/10 particle count respectively.

Actual = actual number of particles in sample per milliliter, (which in this case is well below the target of 320/80/10)

10-14-2003, 17:25

Congratulations on your "pristine" fuel test results! http://forum.thedieselpage.com/ubb/icons/icon14.gif

Your results have been added to our Fuel Analysis Summary files as follows:

Fuel Test Results Summary - Excel format (http://home.usadatanet.net/~jbplock/ISO/OC_Dmax.xls)
Fuel Test Results Summary - pdf format (http://home.usadatanet.net/~jbplock/ISO/OC_Dmax.pdf)

Lone Eagle
10-14-2003, 19:01
Thanks Bill. Later! Frank

10-14-2003, 19:09
Frank, I remember when you first did the install, some were concerned that the filter was mounted on the engine, and that the vibration might make the filter less effective. Did the sampling you took take that into consideration (in other words, was the engine running when you took the samples?).

Lone Eagle
10-14-2003, 19:39
No, the engine was not running. IMHO where the filter is mounted has nothing to do with the quality that comes out the discharge port. I asked Racor if there would be a problem engine mounting their 660. Their one sentence reply was: We don't recommend it because of the clogging factor. Dah! When I asked them to elaborate, they didn't reply. I think the parts man or the janitor answered my question. I did a little research before mounting mine. A friend of mine owns the local big rig service center. He said a lot of the big trucks have the secondary filter mounted on the engine. All our Cat powered 1000KW generators also had them on the engine. Later! Frank