View Full Version : Banks questions

05-02-2004, 15:48
First post, but been lurking for a long time. I just recently installed the banks ss exhaust with the "monster" muffler and the six-gun with the speed loader. My question is, I dont notice much of a difference between setting #2 or #6. Also no black cloud of smoke while on the throttle. I also thought the six-gun would get rid of the speed limiter, not mine. Maybe I made a wrong connection? I guess I expected more overall power then what I am getting. I can tell a diffrence, but not a day night difference. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Joey

More Power
05-02-2004, 17:10
Not a lot of experience with the Banks Duramax related performance products, but those products we have tested/used all were of high quality.

I know when testing the Edge, VanAaken and other performance products, the performance increase was/is unmistakable.

I might suggest you contact Banks' tech support line, and ask about the issues you raised. Report back with any info you discover.


Heartbeat Hauler
05-03-2004, 06:14
I don't have the 6Gun/Speed loader, but I do have the Stinger kit (Otto Mind, Big Head Wastegate, air intake, 4" Monster Exhaust & guages) installed on my truck. I too thought I should have felt a big difference and I do notice some. However, the biggest difference is felt while I am towing or putting the truck under load, i.e. accelerating up a hill. Also, the Banks stuff doesn't really kick in until you are up to operating temperature(I think 80% of full warm up). This is part of the safety features that won't allow the extra power right at startup temps. I don't know if this is the same for your kit, but Banks is well known for safe reliable products for the towing folks and I would assume the same care is taken for the new products like yours.

05-03-2004, 09:30
thx for the feedback. I'm glad I made the right choice and got the Juice/Attitude. You'll notice the difference with that thing.

05-03-2004, 16:15
I guess I am the only one with the six-gun??? :rolleyes:

05-04-2004, 07:24
The 6 gun is quite conservative on acceleration, but once under load it seems to do quite well. It actually performs better when losing speed than when gaining...