View Full Version : Representing Kelliphonia

10-07-2003, 22:05
Does Ahnold represent people with big trucks? I sure hope so. I guess we'll see. Have fun. :cool: :confused: ;) tongue.gif :rolleyes: :D :D

10-07-2003, 22:56
He bought one of the first (if not the first??) domestic HMMWV's. He can't be all bad.

The "Governator"....

Wonder who will be the first to veto him....poor sucker :eek:

Just rumor, but I've heard that when he was asked if he will run during the next general election, his only reply was, "I'll be back"

10-08-2003, 00:20
1 down... 1 to go... next I say we go after BustaMECHA... Republicans taking back CA...

10-08-2003, 00:21
I'm so glad I live in the s***hole called Minnesota. I feel sorry for you guys out in California. :(

Best of luck to you. smile.gif

10-09-2003, 12:38
IMHO, Arnold doesn't need this job. It is a noble effort for him to put his family and himself through all the s**t that goes along with being a candidate. I predict the idiots in Sacramento won't work with him and he will blast them publicly in all forms of media. Thereby sparking the next wave of ousted politicians during the next election. I'll step off my soap box now. Have a great day from the Socialist Republic of California!

10-09-2003, 14:01

I think you are right, but somebody needs to shake the monkeys out of the tree. I think Arnold is the only one that ran with that capability. Big changes to come. It really couldn't get much worse.

On edit:
It just occured to me....
A topic was started on drilling holes (within the scope of this BB) and it transformed into a full blown shootout. Someone starts a political thread (unrelated to Diesel/truck stuff) and it's civil. Just struck me funny.

10-09-2003, 15:23
Didja notice, Dmax Maverick, that it might be civil because so far only Californicators have posted - except for SoMnDMAX, and he lived with Jesse Ventura...? :D

10-09-2003, 17:06
Excellent observation! ;)

10-09-2003, 17:27
Originally posted by Sneaks:
Didja notice, Dmax Maverick, that it might be civil because so far only Californicators have posted - except for SoMnDMAX, and he lived with Jesse Ventura...? :D Ask and you shall receive... tongue.gif ;) :D

I found this point of view interesting...something to think about :eek:

ARNOLD PAVES HILLARY'S PATH (http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=34991)

I'm going to transfer this topic to the General Diesel forum.