In the far distant past I had a lot toto do with cat engines and the best examples I can come up with to illustrate my findings regarding the relationship between higher "controlled" engine temps and operating under lower temps are as follows.
3512, 3516 in 785b and 789b trucks at only 12/14 thou hrs rhs liner wear (water pump side) in excess of 14 thou lhs liners less than 5/6 thou.
3516 gen sets 1.2 Meg operating at coolant temps of 100c / 110c 18000hrs +.
Less than 10 thou on average both banks.
D7g dozers doing seismic work ie hi speed low load 2,500 hours valve guides u/s. Same dozers pushing gravel 8,000 hrs +.
Why does this not apply with the 6.5?
I am not convinced that sulpher is the sole culprit.
Would really appreciate your thoughts.
