The diagnostic is only where the spending begins. You can replace the wheel hub for less than the $$ of the diag (you may be there in the end, anyway). A functional Bi-Di scanner is about double that (and some), and has other uses.

I picked up a Zurich ZR15S for less than $300 (HFT store discount, weekend sale, coupon, and a free bucket). It can run any module, and read/clear any active or historic codes from them. It can also run diagnostic and maintenance procedures, like ABS module tests and purge. It has Bluetooth and WiFi, updates the firmware on your PC, and a useful connected app. It's self-powered (AA batteries) and has a lighted connector plug (makes it easy to hit the connector buried under the dash on some cars). It isn't manufacturer specific and, so far, I'm impressed with it. Not made in China.