Any quality brand "Cryogenic" treated rotors are the thing. Chevy EV's come from the factory with them (as well as the calipers, and SS hardware), including the Volt. If they wear slower than they age, that's what works. Our 2017 Volt with 99K miles shows near zero brake wear, and the calipers and rotors still look new. The friction brakes are only used below about 5 MPH, panic, or very heavy braking. The regenerative braking soaks up to 60kW of energy, which is more than enough for most regular driving. We don't have any de-icers to deal with, but that's the word from the rust belt Volt owners. A few are being replaced due to rust after 10+ years, but most are still in service. They cost more, so you'll have to weigh the additional cost with the expected lifespan of traditional vs. cryo's. They typically last 2-3X longer, considering wear and corrosion.