Measurements need to be hole centers to centers, and diameters with clamps installed. If it uses U-bolts (smooth-bore holes, not threaded), they should have a parallel "flat" area that will be the approximate diameter. The edges of the yoke saddles may be beveled or relieved, so the true diameter may not be accurate on half of a bearing cup saddle measurement. Your saddle diameter isn't consistent with any listed joint I found. Are the cup saddle bolt holes threaded?

The shaft I have:
U-joint width 3" (loop centers, from polymer groove to groove)
Bearing cup dia. 1.125"
End to end (center of joint loops) about 32". The grease is hardened, so I can't tell how compressed it is. It moves, but very little, and I didn't want to force it.
Screw-on compression slip-yoke seal (press-on seal seems to be different for some joint brands)
