I hate to toss cold water on the camp fire....but I will cast a dissenting vote.

I have yanked 6.2/6.5 down and found the rings pretty well stuck up...

I would vote to yank the slugs out...Clean them up well.
Use a bottle brush hone on the bores lightly and toss in a fresh set of moly rings.

This will give the best the little beast is going to do.

If the pan is off and the bearings are going to be out....An extra days work at most and the job will be a better one..

With the pan off....Timing set, seal and fresh gaskets would be smart too...

The talk was to replace the rear main seal.....

If it were me I would buff the head surfaces with the big 9" wire wheel to get the crud off..

Then pop out the valves and have a peek see.....EGR engines are notorious for clogging up valve pockets with carbon....

This junk falls off and can cause issues.

Look at the valves and seats....maybe lap them lightly with compound and call it a day.

Fresh valve seals would be a good idea....

It is hard to yank an engine out and not tend to some basics......