Very nice. Sounds good.

Few questions and a suggestion:

Is that a GEP (HMMVW) Optimizer engine? The valve covers and a few other visible details seem to indicate it is.

Your filter arrangement is nicely done, but might be vulnerable to water ingress if you plan serious off roading. Is this a concern for your intended use? I probably would have built a more enclosed filter arrangement and ducted ambient air to it rather than taking engine bay air, but different strokes for different folks.

That is a big honkin' alternator on there. May I ask what it's from and what it's rating is?

Lastly, I would suggest you give some consideration to relocating your PMD from above the intake/engine valley area. While not as bad as having it on the pump or hanging off the side of the intake like the "FSD" design, it's still subject to heat soak up there above the engine and close to the hood sheet metal. Most of us that run a 6.5 DS4 have learned the hard way to get the heat sink well clear of engine heat, usually right outside the engine bay on a very large heat sink. It's the best chance to make the PMD live a long life.

Very nice so far, looking forward to updates.
