Quote Originally Posted by npauli View Post
Your report is probably the closest I've seen to somebody trying to take all the right precautions to protect such an expensive fuel system. 2 questions for you:

1) Do you do anything special in winter?

The only thing I do is put on a GM grill cover so that it heats up faster for switch over to VO

2) Can I ask how much time & money you think goes into a gallon of filtered WVO, using the setup you use?

I spend about 1 to 2 hrs wk picking up about 100gallons in cubies. Maybee 2 or 3 hrs month filtering and filling 55 gal barrels for settling. I have a 275 gallon tank with final filtered VO for burning so depending on useage determines time.

And what kind of investment did you have to put in to get it all set up?

D Max system $2000 inclulding teh 200 gallon heated VO tank and about $3000 on filtration system Particle counter was $1500
You spread that investment over the life of a D max and based on my personal usage when Dino was $4 a gallon was 12K and paid for. We will be back thier before you know it.

If you don't mind me being nosy, it would sure help anybody trying to figure out if they could come out ahead by trying this.
On a side note. I talked to my dealer before I did this and they assured me that they would not give me any grief about warranty as long as the claim did not happen because of contaiminated fuel. I thought that was only fair. I have had some of the same issues EGR, VVT sensor ete ete as anyone else. Other than that no issues related to the WVO system. ONe maintaince Item I do every 10 to 15K miles is use Wynns deisel purge to do an injection service. Its amazing you can see and feel the difference with that stuff. My chevy dealer uses that and I did it and was hooked so made a tool to do it myself. I would recommed even if you don't burn VO. Check out my photos for the systems