TXDMAX - The requirement to use TranSynd in order to keep the Allison transmission warranty intact is applicable to medium and heavy duty trucks sold thru many OEM's such as Mack, Freightliner, etc. where the purchaser has the option to buy an extended transmission coverage and has done so. The price of such coverage depends upon the truck vocation. A refuse truck application would cost more than say a delivery truck based on the type of duty cycle the vehicle is likely to see. There is no requirement on the pickup trucks to utilize Transynd in order to keep the warranty in effect on the transmission. It is a personal choice to use DexronIII or TranSynd. The only extended warranty coverage for the pickups that might be available would be thru the Chevrolet/GMC dealer, not Allison Transmission. Sorry for the rambling and hope this answers your question. [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]smile.gif[/img]