I just put a reply in the "Black Smoke?" thread that kinda touches on this. If you do a search, there are several good threads on the use of additives and they may have the answers you're looking for.

DC says not to use additives also. There are a couple of reasons. First off, the general public doesn't have a clue what additives to use. Some will put used motor oil in the fuel. Transmission fluid, Heet, alcohol, whatever. All of these are gonna cause problems in your fuel system. So rather than explain what should and shouldn't be done, they just ban them all. Understandably so. If a warranty problem were to arise, would it be due to the additive or the part failure? Although, truth be known, a fuel system problem could occur from rotten fuel too.

Anyway, that's one possible reason why manufacturer's tell you not to use an additive. There are a couple of other reasons, but I can't remember them right now (brain fry). If I do remember them, I'll post it.
I will say you should use a quality additive. You would be very hard pressed to find ANY diesel mechanic that will attribute a fuel system failure to the use of a quality additive.

Hope that helps.