I have done several tests.
I put a glove on the radiator tank and ran the engine and it never inflated.
I checked the coolant for any gasses and there was none. These 2 tests tell me it is not a head gasket.
I did a lot more reading and research and decided it must be the water pump, I started that project yesterday and thought that I had finished today but found a large leak. It looks like I must have nicked the O-ring at the top of the bypass tube. I ordered new O-rings and will fix that next weekend,
Then I changed the water pump and removed the bypass tube I found black silicone around the top of it at the upper O-ring, so I am guessing that the shop that did the water pump years ago had a leak and did not say anything.
Has anyone used silicone at this location?

Now here is a real kick in the pants about this entire ordeal.
This all started because the coolant level dropped by over 1/2 a gallons twice and when I checked the oil the dipstick looked like milkshake on the entire length and to me it looked like the level was over full.
I drained the oil pan and there was NO coolant in it, only 2.5 gallons of very black oil.
I never noticed any type of coolant leaking, only what I believed to be the AC condensation.

I may have replaced the water pump for no reason, I did not look at the old pump to see if there were any sings of leaking at the weep hole yet.