It isn't as complicated as the service manual suggests. The repair procedure was written for use by tech's in a GM (or compatible) shop. The scanner-commanded bleed procedure accommodates repair time and shop abilities.

Simply (and better, IMO), just make sure all the parts are in place and connected properly, and fill it with brake fluid to the full mark. Go to a dirt/gravel (or snowy) road and do several runs to 20-30 MPH, and brake hard. The ABS should activate (and the ABS lamp should come on, at first). Check the fluid level between runs. Once the fluid level remains full after 2-3 runs, it's bled (important! the air travels AFTER braking). If the ABS lamp stays on, repeat until it stays off (key cycle between runs restarts the diagnostic process, or use a capable scanner to clear history). Typical is about 4-6 runs, but I've never had to do more than about 6-8.