There should be no problem with rubber hoses and SVO. From all of the research I have done, SVO is a better lubricant the petroleum based diesel and MAY even extend the life of rubber seals and hoses.

Biodiesel, on the other hand, is pretty nasty to rubber, plastic, paint (yupp, don't spill it on your car paint and NOT wash it off.) I made wat is referred to as a Dr. Pepper batch of Biodiesel and waited to wash and filter it. I left it in the soft drink bottle. After two weeks I picked up the bottle and noticed that the bottle was disolving. Transfered it to glass and it is OK.

There are two fields of thought on the replacement of hoses and seals while using Biodiesel. The first says replace them all before starting; the second says replace them when they start leaking. Either way... you will replace them.

The newer vehicles, somewhere in the early1990s, all come with seals and hoses that are more Biodiesel friendly and at this time MOST stations selling diesel have signs on them that say "May contain up to 20% Biodiesel" (percentage may be different, but most have some.
